Tuesday, April 02, 2019

The government needs your $$$

Zero Hedge: "Breathtakingly Terrible Idea": Top Democrat Proposes Taxing Unrealized Capital Gains."  "According to the WSJ, the top Democrat on the Senate’s tax-writing committee has proposed taxing unrealized gains in investment assets every year at the same rates as other income, offering not only an idea that would transform how the U.S. taxes the wealthiest people, but a solid reason for those same people to get the hell out of America." 


  1. Why not just tax us on the income we haven't earned yet?

    What a bunch of fucking lunatics.

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    The Left Hates Free Speech, A Continuing Seri... Oops

    NBC News:
    Georgia Republicans push for state 'journalism ethics board'
    The bill would require media outlets to provide copies of photographs and audio or video recordings to subjects of interviews or risk a civil penalty.

    Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
    The measure was sponsored by Rep. Andy Welch, R-McDonough, a lawyer who has expressed frustration with what he saw as bias from a TV reporter who asked him questions about legislation recently.

    If approved, the bill would also mandate that anyone interviewed by the media would be able to request and receive copies of photographs and audio and video recordings taken by reporters and photographers. Such copies would have to be provided free of cost, even though state and local governments are allowed to charge the public for copies of any documents it provides.

    If a media outlet refuses to provide the copies, it would be subject to a lawsuit and a civil penalty, under the bill. In calling for subjects of interviews to get access to photographs, audio and video recordings, Welch is setting a higher standard than he and other members of the General Assembly are under. The General Assembly long ago exempted itself from the Georgia Open Records Act, which applies to all other governmental entities in the state. Only a month before the start of the 2019 session, the state was in court trying to block a group from getting legislative records on how a bill got passed in 2012.

    Unconstitutional, yes... but at least nobody is shouting.

  3. Is that the same state where that fat McDonald's loving loser Democrat keeps whining about a 'stolen election' she lost by 50,000 votes?

    If you're gonna go off-topic and throw red herrings at us, ya gotta go all in, like Chris Hayes!

  4. Anonymous7:38 PM

    People on the spectrum often feel agitated by a sudden change in routine.

  5. Remember when questioning the results of election were "horrible"?

    Now Elizabeth Warren is telling Democrats that if they lose, the only explanation is cheating.

    These are adults, supposedly.
