Friday, April 19, 2019

Democracy dies in darkness, yo


  1. ...and neither did your dipshit 'anonymous' commenter - color me surprised (NOT).

  2. Anonymous1:39 AM

    OH NOES, the fake news liberal media can read what a report says! Billy Barr did all that covering up for nothing! And Roger has a sad!

  3. Anonymous1:44 AM

    But... just six headlines? Don't forget about these!

    The Barr Cover-Up: Call It What It Is
    Mueller’s report makes a mockery of Trump’s claim to ‘total exoneration’
    Mueller Left Open the Door to Charging Trump After He Left Office
    The Mueller Report Is Much Worse For Trump Than Barr Let On
    The Mueller Report Is Clear: Donald Trump Repeatedly Tried to Obstruct Justice
    Mueller whacks Trump with evidence of obstruction
    AP FACT CHECK: Skewed Trump, Barr claims on Mueller report
    Manafort told Gates: Don't plead guilty, Trump's lawyer vowed to 'take care of us’
    Trump campaign was an eager beneficiary of Russian election help, Mueller report concludes
    Mueller reveals Trump’s attempts to choke off Russia probe
    The Mueller report is shocking
    Mueller report is devastating
    Trump dodges media's questions after Mueller report release
    Inside the Trump Campaign’s Frenzied Search for Clinton’s Emails
    Mueller report ropes in Senate GOP
    Trump after Mueller appointment: "This is the end of my presidency. I'm fucked.”
    'I'm f---ed': Trump called Mueller appointment 'the end of my presidency’
    A Lucid Portrait of an Untrustworthy Presidency
    A question the Mueller report leaves unanswered: Is Trump a threat to national security?
    In unflattering detail, Mueller report reveals Trump actions to impede inquiry
    Mueller report release spirals into political gamesmanship
    Trump tried to remove Mueller
    Mueller Kicks Ball Into Voters’ Hands
    Mueller report suggests Congress should judge whether Trump obstructed justice
    Mueller Made 14 Referrals Of Potential Crimes To Outside Offices
    Released Mueller Report Includes 855 Separate Redactions, From Footnotes To Full Pages
    Here’s the evidence for the obstruction case that was never made against President Trump
    Trump Tried to Influence Law Enforcement; Aides Refused Orders

  4. Anonymous1:45 AM

    And we mustn't forget these!

    Report suggest investigators found abundant evidence that Trump sought to undermine probe
    Barr Ensured He'll Stay at the Center of the Mueller Report Debate
    Mueller Outlines 3 Business Deals Trump Pursued in Russia
    Trump failed at obstruction because his aides refused to carry out orders, Mueller finds
    Mueller report reveals top Trump advisers resisting, defying president's requests on probe
    Mueller mystery: What are the 12 criminal referrals?
    Trump claims victory despite damning Mueller details
    Mueller report lifts curtain on chaos in White House
    Trump ‘tried to get Mueller fired’
    Mueller report found Trump directed White House lawyer to 'do crazy sh—"
    Mueller Details Multiple Contacts with Russians and Trump’s Efforts to Thwart Inquiry
    Analysis: Report would have been the end for anyone other than Trump
    Mueller Spells Out Trump’s ‘Multiple Acts’ to Undermine Russia Probe
    Of course Trump's campaign colluded with Russia. But unfortunately that's not a crime
    Russian interference: Mueller calls out high profile Americans who unwittingly helped Russian trolls
    Trump thought his presidency was ‘f****d’ by Mueller's appointment, explosive report reveals
    Mueller report finds 10 episodes of suspicious behavior by Trump
    Mueller report recounts 10 ‘episodes’ involving Trump and questions of obstruction
    The 10 episodes of potential Trump obstruction listed in the Mueller report
    Brennan Says the Amount of Information on Collusion and Obstruction 'Is Really Quite Extensive’
    The Russia Probe Wasn’t the Only Time Trump Interfered With the Justice Department
    Mueller report suggests Congress should judge whether Trump obstructed justice
    Trump’s Mueller Responses Like ‘Failed Alzheimer’s Test’
    How Will History Judge Barr’s Redactions?
    The Mueller Report Is an Impeachment Referral
    Russians tried to hack Clinton 5 hours after Trump asked for her deleted emails
    FBI suspects Russians hacked 'at least one' Florida county, Mueller report says
    Mueller report: Trump 'tried to get special counsel fired'
    This sentence is an invitation to impeach Trump
    Mueller report: Congress could make "obstruction-of-justice statutes applicable" to Trump
    Mueller Report Reveals Shocking New Details About Trump, Russia, Obstruction
    House chair to subpoena for full Mueller report
    Trump feared Mueller probe was ‘end of my presidency’
    Sarah Sanders told Mueller team she misled the press about Comey's firing
    Mueller report undercuts Barr claims on Trump obstruction
    Dear Democrats: Mueller Just Handed You a Roadmap for Impeachment. Follow It.
    Trump: I'm having a good day, it's called 'no collusion’

  5. You've convinced me the liberal media is biased.

  6. Robert Fisk9:48 AM

    And to think, he missed this one:

    Mueller report reveals 'smoking gun' of Trump/Russia collusion

  7. Anonymous5:33 PM

    The VERY partial list of headlines includes entries from Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, but you do you.

  8. Robert Fisk9:12 AM

    May Fox News and the Wall Street Journal comfort you for being unable to find the headline:

    Mueller report reveals 'smoking gun' of Trump/Russia collusion

  9. Anonymous3:15 PM

    2019 is going to be so fun!
