Saturday, March 30, 2019

Waiting on the report

I don't know if Mueller's report will include a long explication on the bogus Steele dossier, but I really hope it does.  This phony piece of fiction is the genesis of this whole mess.


  1. Robert Fisk6:21 PM

    Caitlin Johnstone is back for some more hilarious bitch-slapping of the addled dolts among her fellow liberals:

    Well it certainly hasn’t taken long for the establishment narrative control machine to pace Russiagaters into a new arsenal of talking points. Now if you try to speak online about how Attorney General William Barr’s letter says that the Mueller report contains the explicit phrase “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities,” or mainstream media reports that there are no sealed indictments and that no new indictments have been recommended, you’ll be inundated with comments telling you “We don’t know what’s in the report! You don’t know! No one knows!”
    A few days ago when I would talk on social media about the fact that Don Jr and Jared Kushner aren’t being dragged off in chains as promised, there was deathly silence from the Russiagate crew. Now when I talk about it (check out the responses to this post just for an example), I get a bunch of responders going on about the fact that we haven’t seen the report, and that Barr’s letter only contains partial sentences from the report (as though there’s anything else that could be in those sentences which would change the meaning of “did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities”). These are the arguments that the narrative managers have taught them to make.

  2. The response to the Barr memo has been a master class in denial. Now we "just don't know" what's in it, as if there's a footnote somewhere that says "Trump really did collude!"

    I virtually guarantee that the obstruction which Trump "hasn't been exonerated from" will be something like his frequent tweets calling the Mueller investigation a "witch hunt." There will be nothing new we don't already know about.

  3. Anonymous5:02 AM

    This aged well.
