Monday, March 25, 2019

Democrats with bylines

Rich Lowry: "The media's disgrace."
There will soon enough be an effort to memory-hole it, but the media coverage of the Russia investigation was abysmal and self-discrediting — obsessive and hysterical, often suggesting that the smoking gun was right around the corner, sometimes supporting its hoped-for result with erroneous, too-good-to-check reporting. Never has so little come of so many screaming chyrons. Every mini-scooplet was played up like major news, and if you went on air and said that collusion was unlikely and we should wait for the evidence, you were often treated like you were in the tank for Trump. The last two years have been a disgrace, and no one should forget it.
This will be the new standard by which all other scandals against Republicans will be judged.


  1. Robert Fisk10:09 AM

    Everyone in the media looked around, saw almost everyone else in their profession taking the same stance - and they actually thought that the imagined power of their echo chamber would make it all come true. Its truth would be further cemented by making sure that any dissenting view was dealt with brutally.

  2. Anonymous3:14 AM

    David Frum:
    WSJ OpEd blasts the Pulitzer-winning reporting by NYT and WashPo of Russia's interference in 2016 US election. Cites not a single error in that reporting. Not a single one. Is there such a thing as an anti-Pulitzer?

  3. Robert Fisk10:00 AM

    The renewedly manic commi, coming off his deep funk, is hilariously un-self aware of his behavior.

    Someday, instead of having to settle for pretending that the media echo chamber was about anything other than Trump/Russia collusion, the commi may be able to come here and proudly announce (with echo) that Trump/Russia collusion has been proven after all!

  4. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Huh. Maybe vaccines do cause autism. Something's got to explain your OCD posts.

  5. Robert Fisk9:39 PM

    Someday, instead of worrying about the vaccines he received in childhood, the commi may be able to come here and proudly announce that Trump/Russia collusion has been proven after all!
