Friday, March 01, 2019

Buh-bye Liz

The Bulwark: "Is Elizabeth Warren’s Campaign Already Over? - Except for the shouting, yes."  I wanted to highlight this one part:
For Liz Warren, everything is a “fight.” 

Her’s isn’t a presidential campaign, it’s “the fight of our lives.” Her mission is a “fight that began in the streets,” a “fight for big structural change” and, she repeatedly assures us, “I’m in that fight all the way!” She dropped the progressive’s “F-bomb” a total of 26 times in her announcement speech.  
OMG, yes, she's always fighting and fighting the fight against those who need to be fought.  The other joke I make that she alternates between "the rich and the powerful" and "the wealthy and well-connected" depending on what day it is.

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