Saturday, February 23, 2019

Russians everywhere

The Week: "The Mueller Joke"
From the very beginning, the special counsel investigation has been a string of anecdotes, compound adjectives ("Russia-linked"), and vanquished dreams in search of a conspiracy. The only crimes of which Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Michael Cohen, and the rest have been accused are ones that were alleged to have been committed either well before or long after the 2016 election; in many cases, indeed, they were said to have occurred during the course of the investigation itself — process crimes. None of the charges in question were about colluding with Russia. The only one that has even directly involved the presidential election was a violation of federal campaign finance law.
This two-year temper-tantrum over Hillary losing has, unfortunately, solidified into doctrine for the anti-Trump left.  It will join Al Gore's "stolen" election and fabulist Christine Blasey Ford's testimony in a long line of "truthy" stories.  After holding up Mueller as the gold standard of investigation, Adam Schiff has indicated he won't accept his conclusions.  Because of course he won't: what purpose does the guy serve without the Russia investigation?

If there's any justice at all, the Mueller investigation will indict Andrew McCabe and Fusion GPS for trying to kneecap a duly-elected President.

Extra - Hot Air: "We’re At Least “One Collusion Short” On Any Mueller Bombshell."


  1. Anonymous11:11 PM

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  4. I was tricked into following that link, thinking there would be some evidence.

    There wasn't.

  5. Anonymous4:19 PM

    All of these nothingburgers have gone straight to your head.

  6. Robert Fisk5:43 PM followed his link, despite knowing he's one ration short of rationality?

  7. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Rogert: "I bungled my "I don't read most of his posts" fiction a long time ago... but what if I pretend I don't look at his links?"

  8. Robert Fisk12:19 PM

    I learned long ago that his links to YouTube or images are just his pouting substitute for an argument when he's been owned. And definitely never worth following.

  9. Anonymous6:13 PM
