Tuesday, January 08, 2019

She's a very gullible person

Instapundit: "So it looks like AOC is either lying or being lied to."

Tell me about the $21 jillion spent by the Pentagon again.


  1. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Ocasio-Cortez previously spoke about the high cost of Washington D.C. housing.

    She appears to have solved that problem by living rent-free inside ten million conservatives' heads.

  2. Robert Fisk9:59 AM

    Would those be all the same conservatives who complained about her dance video?

  3. Anonymous10:23 AM

    From a neuropsychology angle, it's fascinating to observe how quickly and deeply one young, female, Latino, socialist, attractive, Bronx liberal who merrily mocks GOP attacks is burrowing into the fear center of the rightwing mind. It's also very funny.

  4. Robert Fisk2:50 PM

    It must be the deep neuropsychological fear center that made them complain about her dance video.

  5. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Some fun on Twitter:

    Ben Shapiro:
    Conservatives: Okay. That's scary. Her policy is insane.
    Conservatives: Nah, her policy is just insane.

    Adam Schiavone:
    You’ve Tweeted about her 21 times since 3pm Thursday.

  6. Robert Fisk8:34 PM

    I wonder which is worse - complaining about her 21 times, or complaining about her dance video?

  7. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Poor, obsessed "Robert." He doth protest too much. As if his sad little link could ever wash away the previous 70,000 AOC pants-crappings over the GOP's intense hate crush.

    She's Just Not That Into You.

  8. Robert Fisk9:58 AM

    It's simple. When you have a gift that keeps on giving, you have fun opening it again and again.

    And then we have fun watching the non-obsessed left sputter about "deep fear centers" and "hate crushes".

  9. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Oof. No sale on the "I'm rubber, you're sputtering glue" try. There's no escaping that the right's Ocasio-Cortez fetish is embarrassing.

    How many of the other -- God, is it really 62? -- how many of the other 62 Democratic House freshmen can you even name, let alone follow every day in compulsive detail?

    If you're unhappy being called out as AOC's bitch, maybe you should stop being AOC's bitch.

  10. Robert Fisk4:16 PM

    If you're unhappy being called out as AOC's bitch...

    Oh, is that what's happened? Lol.

    The best part is, after all is said and done, I don't have ownership of her - you do. And the fact that you're in that predicament explains a lot of your behavior in this thread. Your disadvantage is that you have to wearily defend that iconic dim bulb against all comers, no matter how ridiculous you truly feel doing it.

    Yeah, come to think about it, who really is her bitch?

  11. Wow, AOC = comment gold!

    The reason we're like moth to AOC's dim bulb is because, man, is she a dumbass. And you'd think after the WashPost gave her Four Pinocchios that she'd at least let some staffer fact-check her tweets. Nope!

    The New Green Deal is going to create a jillion jobs and stop racism. Also ICE is mowing down kids at the border with bump stocks.

  12. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Your disadvantage is that you have to wearily defend that iconic dim bulb against all comers

    Learn to read. I'm not defending her, I'm laughing at you.

    To me, she's a far-left, no seniority, kinda dopey politician. To you, she represents a demographic nightmare, and it drives you buggy that she matches your side's scorn and betters your snark. You're getting beat at your own game by a little girl.

    As for pretending that "ownership" of AOC is a killing political blow in year three of Donald F'n Trump... look, I'm laughing at you again! (Still think the midterm was a disappointing Blue Ripple?)

    The New Green Deal is going to create a jillion jobs and stop racism. Also ICE is mowing down kids at the border with bump stocks.

    And "Mueller's still got nothing." And "the two-year witch hunt has yet to turn up a single piece of evidence of conspiracy or collusion."

    I certainly understand why she's a lot more fun for you and Republicans to talk about than Paul Manafort's unredacted court filing.

    But it's nice that Washington Post Pinocchios suddenly matter to you in year three of Donald F'n Trump. But hey, how about that Russian collusion?

    Come on, Alexandra, tweet something new! Please hurry!

  13. Mueller's still got nothing.

  14. Robert Fisk9:47 AM

    To me, she's a far-left, no seniority, kinda dopey politician.

    Ben Shapiro couldn't have said it better himself.

  15. Anonymous3:54 PM

    To me, she's a far-left, no seniority, kinda dopey politician.

    Ben Shapiro couldn't have said it better himself.

    No, Ben Shapiro couldn't have said it nearly as well as me, because unlike me, he's off the deep end with Ocasio Obsession. You certainly know the feeling.

    That deep end's getting very crowded...

    Daily Caller: Here’s the Photo Some People Described as a Nude Selfie of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


    Mueller's still got nothing.

    In for a penny, in for a pounding.

    "It's much more likely we'll see Hillary go to prison."

    "Manafort isn't worth mentioning. A tax evasion charge from a decade ago. Nice going, Mueller."

    "Wait until Joe Sixpack finds out he failed to register as a foreign lobbyist!"

    Anyway, let's all forget that unredacted nothingborscht. It was real funny when that lady got a parking ticket.

  16. Even Mother Jones is prepping everyone for the nothingburger.

    Step away from the edge.

  17. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Mark Harris on Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, on Twitter:
    The GOP understands AOC better than her own colleagues do. Republicans loathe her because they know that the more she talks about her "crazy" ideas, the more they become normal ideas. It's what their party has done for 30 years.

  18. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Step away from the edge.

    Thanks for the advice about the folly of fringe expectations, guy who actually posted "It's much more likely we'll see Hillary go to prison."

    MUCH more!

  19. Yup, much more. It's much more likely Hillary will go to prison than Trump.

    You know, unless the FBI decides to question her NOT under oath while allowing her email buddy to act as her "lawyer".

    "What's that 'c' designation mean? I don't know!" - Hillary

  20. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Yup, much more. It's much more likely Hillary will go to prison than Trump.

    Zero equals zero, but you may be gnawing on a different math textbook.

    Meanwhile, back on the planet Earth...

    F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia


    That kind of headline was literally unimaginable for the worst of the worst from #1 through #44. (Well, non-loony division anyway; Jefferson's enemies called him a secret Jacobin, and Kennedy's enemies said he'd answer to the Pope.)

    Also unimaginable is the pride conservatives must be feeling. But at least you owned the libs.

  21. Yup, zero equals zero. Keep munching on that nothingburger.

    I can't read the NY Times article without subscribing. Does it refer to Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe discussing an "insurance policy" against an incoming President? How about Bruce Ohr's connection to Fusion GPS and the Steele dossier?

    Oh, but there I go again impugning the FBI like a traitor.

  22. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Good response. Stay proud, and keep owning those libs like Republican Andrew McCabe. It seems to be working out really well for you and your party.

    Speaking of owning the libs...

    The non-obsessed "just about the LOLs" gang at Fox News discuss the dimbulb's potential impact on the 2020 Democratic primaries:

    Harris Faulkner: “What are y’all going to do if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez jumps in? Because she’s going to take ALL the water out of the pool.”

    Juan Williams: “I think the right will be delighted, because she’s such a convenient foil.”

    Ocasio-Cortez will be 31 years old in 2020, and Constitutionally ineligible to run.

  23. Why that's the dumbest thing ever said on cable news since Jim Acosta said it's really safe here by this border wall.

  24. Anonymous7:00 PM

    You're not actually this stupid. You're just colluding with stupidity.

  25. Nope, I'm not the stupid one in this conversation.

    Let me know if you need a hint.

  26. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Washington Post: Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration


    2019 is going to be so much fun.

    Maybe it won't be fun for you, but it will at least be restorative. It moves you and a lot of conservatives one year closer to the inevitable revisionist sequel to "Yeah, I supported George W. Bush, but I never support-supported him."

  27. I was watching the football game at a bar last night and that's all the guys were talking about: "Do you believe Rex Tillerson wasn't at that meeting?"

    They also can't wait for Michael Cohen's testimony. Gonna be epic.

  28. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Keep munching on that nothingburger.

    This comeback is neither rare nor well done.

  29. Listen to the NY Times. They're trying to warn you.

  30. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Have it your way, Nothingburger King.


  31. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Have it your way, Border King


  32. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Shame on Jim Acosta for inadvertently contradicting our commander-in-chief about how we're doing great without a wall.

    Donald Trump:
    With so much talk about the Wall, people are losing sight of the great job being done on our Southern Border by Border Patrol, ICE and our great Military. Remember the Caravans? Well, they didn’t get through and none are forming or on their way. Border is tight. Fake News silent!
    4:39 AM - 20 Dec 2018

  33. "Shame on Jim Acosta for inadvertently contradicting our commander-in-chief about how we're doing great without a wall."

    Duh...he made that statement in front of a wall. Did you really not understand why it was funny?

  34. Anonymous11:18 PM

    A defeated Robert Mueller is going to pack up and quit when he realizes he's up against Jim Acosta and jail-bound Hillary Clinton and the good old gang watching the football game down at the Dewdrop Inn.

  35. Don't worry: that evidence that's going to bring down a Presidency really exists because Mueller doesn't leak. This MUST be true.

  36. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Slow week in the news:
    *Trump's campaign manager shared private polling data with Russian intelligence;
    *The FBI opened an investigation into Donald Trump to determine whether he was a Russian asset;
    *Trump seized his interpreter's notes during one of the five Vladimir Putin meetings that the U.S. government has no records of;
    *Trump has repeatedly told his staff he wants to pull the U.S. out of NATO;
    *Trump personally directed his lawyer Michael Cohen to lie while under oath to Congress about Russia.
