Monday, January 21, 2019

Guy gets around

Zero Hedge: "Native American "Harassed" By MAGA Kids Exposed As Outrage-Culture Grifter."


  1. Robert Fisk8:26 PM

    I think it's safe to say that the fraudulent, hate-filled reporting on this story by the Career Democrat media is excusable in light of those kids' evil MAGA hats.

  2. I think it was MSNBC Chris Hayes who said something like: "I haven't seen the Right this worked up since Kavanaugh."

    Yeah, completely baseless character assassination will do that to...anyone.

  3. Robert Fisk9:09 PM

    You can't expect the media or others on the left to straightforwardly apologize for their behavior in this episode. For them, showing humility or integrity just doesn't pay dividends that can compete with the gratification of finding someone new to hate.
