Thursday, December 20, 2018

Mattis: Take this Syria policy and shove it

Pretty wild day as Secretary of Defense James Mattis hands in his resignation and makes it pretty clear it's due to Trump's capricious decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria.  As the Atlantic put it: "Trump Just Messed Up the One Thing He Did Better Than Obama."

According to NPR this evening, this was the first Secretary to publicly resign over a policy dispute since Cyrus Vance.


  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    The obvious conclusion is that James Mattis and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) want to knock down Trump because they're still bitter about their golden girl losing.

  2. Are you talking about Hillary? Oh, yeah, you must be.

    She lost.

  3. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Hillary's the one who still has a Foundation today, right?

    And who'll have no indicted children next year?

    But your vintage HillaryHillaryHillary comeback is your best rhetorical option in every thread, compared to the piddling list of things Republicans can brag about. (Ah, if only repeating the word "Hillary" really could make angry witches and House subpoenas go away.)

  4. Yup, the indictments and impeachments are always a subpoena away.

    Now say: "Mueller has the goods but he just isn't leaking." You'll feel better.

  5. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I feel great, actually. A crippled Trump is way better than an impeached Trump, or a competent President Pence.

    It's also nicer to have an indictment always a subpoena away, than another idiotic f#*k-up always a tweet away. (We do have to wait a lot longer than you do, though.)

  6. I liked how "No Drama" Obama never embarrassed us with impulsive tweets as he presided over the worst economic recovery in history while flying pallets of money to the ayatollahs.

  7. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Aww, now you're not even trying anymore.

  8. Anonymous4:07 PM

    It's just that easy.
