Thursday, December 27, 2018

Cohen was in Prague!

So say four anonymous sources, quoting other anonymous sources, with no corroboration.  Legal Insurrection: "More “Russia Collusion” Media PSYOPs – McClatchy cell-phone ping report on Michael Cohen in Prague" - "Claims based on what unnamed people heard from unnamed people, none of whom are shown to have personal knowledge. This is the epitome of Trump collusion reporting."

No kidding.  A couple weeks back, there was a story on NPR (some lawyer named Ackerman Akerman) and, when pushed for the "meat of the allegation" against Trump, insisted that Michael Cohen met with Russians in Prague to set up some kind of quid pro quo.  Maybe they were running long on time but the interviewer abruptly ended the interview on what was an unproven meeting that has been vehemently denied by both Cohen and his lawyer, both before and after his cooperation with Robert Mueller.  Then people wonder why the media can't be trusted.

Extra - Found it:
SHAPIRO: There are a lot of different names and dates here. But to zero in on what if any criminal offense might have been committed by Donald Trump, what is the meat of the case against him here?
AKERMAN: The meat of the case is he sent his private lawyer to Prague. He was involved in taking and working through the Russians, straight from the time of the Trump Tower meeting, the June 4 email to Don Jr., to using, in effect, the stolen documents and emails from the Democratic National Committee to get himself elected.
Again: pure fiction, denied by everybody and NPR interviewer Ari Shapiro should have known this.  Cohen has/had a deal with Robert Mueller and it included telling the truth about his dealings with the Russians.  He has no incentive to lie to Mueller and cover up for Trump.  Yet - even today - he denies ever being in the Czech Republic.

To coin a phrase, it's fake news.

More - Minuteman: "Prague Summer yet again."


  1. Anonymous3:52 PM

    McClatchy was the first news organization to break the story about the existence of classified emails on Hillary Clinton’s email server. McClatchy was the first to document a series of revelations about the Bush administration’s false allegations about Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction. It was the first to document a series of revelations about the Bush administration’s systematic actions to block torture probes and cover up details about its torture program; the first to document details about the international banking fraud associated with the “Panama Papers”; the first to report on the 2006 “AttorneyGate” firings; the first to report that the NRA had funneled Russian money into the 2016 election; and so on. Much if not all of the above reporting included anonymous sourcing.

    Michael Cohen also has a lengthy published history of vehement denials, including some under oath.

    Does McClatchy have the Prague story right? Time will tell. Regarding your rooting interest: as they say in Hungarian, sok szerencsét.

  2. Don't you mean "Hodně štěstí"?

  3. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Recent history lesson:
    If I had done something criminal and/or clandestine, but only one news organization was reporting on it, I would very much want that news organization NOT to be McClatchy.

  4. Yawn. Well this story died on the vine.

    Let me guess: it's coming, just like the devastating Mueller report.

  5. Anonymous10:48 PM

    From "That's so four days ago" to "Where is it, I'm so impatient" in one sentence.

    Only something credible and real can straddle that divide, and endure. Like Benghazi, Hillary uranium, or Lois Lerner.

    The ever-impending Mueller report has already served its purpose. 13 hours until Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters get full subpoena powers!
