Monday, December 17, 2018

Chuck Todd something something

Twitchy: "‘Gee, ya think?’ Chuck Todd has an epiphany about MSM’s Donald Trump coverage."

It's all white noise now.  We get it: you don't like him.


  1. Anonymous3:02 AM

    As Twitchy told you earlier, Brian Stelter recently lamented the fact that the public just doesn’t seem to be as concerned about Donald Trump’s messy situations as they should be.

    Do tell, Twitchy? It's like the midterm results never happened!

  2. Nor do they 'seem to be as concerned' about amateurish New York Times hit pieces about Trump's businesses, do they, butt-boy?

  3. Yeah, what about those elections?

    Also: stop talking about Hillary!

  4. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Poor Roger thinks that he can award himself his 12,000th victory medal through repetition. It's shocking that his consummate "takedown"of the New York Times "hit piece" hasn't broken the internet yet.

    His roly-poly president has his metaphorical pants down around his ankles, while two dozen proctologists with names like Mueller and Schiff and Waters and Letitia James are simultaneously snapping on their gloves and flexing their index fingers.... yet Roger thinks the word "butt-boy" is a killer punchline. There's going to be a lube shortage next year, you butch hetero he-man. Try not to squeal.

    But don't be bitter, Roger. Robert Fisk is still a huge fan of your work.

  5. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Eric: Yeah, what about those elections?
    Also: stop talking about Hillary!

    Er, YOU'RE the one who was enchanted enough by the asinine Twitchy premise to post it.

    Criticism of Trump is so ubiquitous that it's all washing away into nothingness? Don't you wish. In what month did you cease following current events? (Not that I blame you.)

    By the time 2019 is through, Trump's going to look back with sweet fondness on Midterm 2018 as the glory days. As for you, get ready to post 200 more items about Ocasio-Cortez tweets in lieu of the news.

    But let's be honest, the real reason we're at each other's throats is because we're hurting emotionally, mourning the death of The Trump Foundation. (Remember the Clinton "slush fund" chatter on this site? Good times!)

  6. The criticism of Trump is almost 100% focused on his crudeness and unpresidential behavior. It's spurred on by the two-year witch hunt that has yet to turn up a single piece of evidence of conspiracy or collusion. The obvious conclusion is that the press and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) want to knock down Trump because they're still bitter about their golden girl losing. Hence, today's ridiculous story about Russia's social media attack that still can't find anybody who changed their vote because of a picture of Jesus arm-wrestling Satan.

    Tax revenues hit a record high after the tax cuts, the ones that were going to destroy the economy. If Obama had an economy and unemployment rate anywhere near where it is now, it would have been the lead story on the news every night. Poor guy had to claim it was his "set up" for Trump that led to the economic recovery. Trump's approval rating ahead of the midterms was higher than Obama's which is why the Chosen One got a "shellacking" in his first midterm while Trump got a historical rebuke.

    Of course no post will be complete without the solemn promise that someday - someday! - Trump will get his comeuppance. And Joe Biden, or Beto, or Pocahontas, or AOC are just the ones to do it, you'll see, you'll see.

  7. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Was that disjointed whine supposed to demonstrate that Democrats are bitter, and self-serving?

    Viking Pundit, 2003:
    Clinton is the Democrats’ symbol of a healthy bubble…er, economy.
    Viking Pundit, 2018:
    Poor Obama had to claim it was his "set up" for Trump that led to the economic recovery.

    Viking Pundit, 2012:
    As the White House tries to run out the clock on the Benghazi investigation
    Viking Pundit, 2014:
    "Why Democrats are so afraid of Benghazi.”
    Viking Pundit, 2016:
    "State Dept: FBI found 30 deleted e-mails on Hillary’s secret server about … Benghazi."
    Viking Pundit, 2018:
    It's spurred on by the two-year witch hunt that has yet to turn up a single piece of evidence of conspiracy or collusion.

    Viking Pundit, 2015:
    The only thing Obama's got going for him is a 5% unemployment rate which is kept unnaturally elevated.
    Viking Pundit, 2018:
    If Obama had an economy and unemployment rate anywhere near where it is now, it would have been the lead story on the news every night.

    Viking Pundit, 2018:
    And Joe Biden, or Beto, or Pocahontas, or AOC are just the ones to do it, you'll see, you'll see.
    Viking Pundit, 2012:
    I'll be in bed by 10'o clock Tuesday, EST. Well, that's not entirely true. I'll be watching MSNBC for the suicide watch.

  8. "Whatcha up to?"
    "Nothin'. How about you?"

    Hillary and Merrick at lunch.

  9. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Oh, snap! Verbatim hypocrisy deflected by nyah-nyah-nyahhh!

    You wanted to own the libs. And boy, you really did own them. The catch is, it comes with ownership of all of it.

    Last year, you approvingly cited P.J. O’Rourke’s quote about why he supported Clinton over Trump: “She’s wrong about absolutely everything, but she's wrong within normal parameters.” But that was last year. Now, you’re barking about Trump’s imaginary successes, about how he’s supposedly more popular than Obama, about the vengeful feels of his enemies, and about how everything that’s happening to Trump is all about the Hillary, and the liberal media, and the witch hunt, and the future delicious Eric Cartman tears of Pocahontas and Ocasio-Cortez and imaginary "golden girl" luncheons.

    You’ll wander back to your own normal parameters someday. But until then, suck it up, snowflake. You'll look back and realize 2018 was the good year.

  10. Anonymous6:47 PM

    If Obama had an economy and unemployment rate anywhere near where it is now, it would have been the lead story on the news every night.

    Ouch, that chest-pound aged well.

    At least the economy's the lead story on the news every night. Happy now?

    Luckily, that sweet 10% middle class tax cut Trump promised everyone right before the midterms will fix things.
