Saturday, December 22, 2018

Brinkmanship and bungling

Politico: "Inside the frantic negotiations that failed to avert a shutdown."
Lawmakers and aides in both parties are cautiously optimistic that the shutdown will be short, believing there’s an emerging consensus around a package of seven annual spending bills, including $1.6 billion in money for fencing. Everyone seems to realize that Trump’s dream of $5 billion for concrete wall funding is dead, including Trump himself. But nobody seems quite sure of what, exactly, Trump will sign after this week’s frenzied back and forth.
These shutdowns drive me crazy because Congress, fundamentally, has one job: fund the government.  I'd like to channel Bill Belichick and say "do your job."  This showdown could have been hashed out months ago before it got to the point where Congresspersons will have to fly back to Washington on Christmas Eve to get furloughed federal employees back to work.


  1. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Mark Harris: "When you give one-party control to a party that fundamentally does not believe in government, of course they're going to shut down the government repeatedly. Not governing is their only skill."

  2. P.J. O'rourke said that Republicans don't believe in government and they get elected to prove it.

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