Saturday, December 01, 2018

A model American

Fox News: "George H.W. Bush, 41st president of the United States, dead at 94."

Everybody said he wouldn't be too far behind Barbara.


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    A model American

    December 24, 1992 will be a model for Donald Trump.

  2. Thank heaven we could drag Trump into this somehow. It's not like he pervades everything else under the sun.

  3. Anonymous5:04 PM

    That's the fault of those who voted for him. My conscience is clear.

    Sorry to note that the model American is seriously dented. Let's pretend those crimes and cover-ups worse than Watergate never happened, and talk about Poppy's quinquennial skydives!

  4. "crimes and cover-ups"

    I can't wait to hear about these crimes that definitely exist.

  5. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Iran-Contra; it was in all the papers, and the papers were in Fawn Hall's clothes.

    December 24, 1992 was pardon day.

    Since you and the Associated Press have no apparent memory of Iran-Contra, I can only describe it as being almost as bad as when Obama played excessive amounts of golf.

  6. Anonymous6:58 PM

    CNN Politics:
    Photo: Sully, George H.W. Bush's service dog, arrives at Joint Base Andrews off the plane carrying the casket of the late President.

    Mark Harris:
    Would anybody like to hear about the funerals of my friends who died between 1988 and 1992? Still too soon? Okay. Back to the dog, I guess.

  7. "I can only describe it as being almost as bad as when Obama played excessive amounts of golf."

    Was it as bad as pulling the old "psych!" on the Syrians who believed in the "red line"?

  8. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Any lame diversion or snark to avoid Iran-Contra.

    Practicing for Trump's pardon-a-rama?
