Friday, November 02, 2018

Women never lie about that, except when they do

Twitchy: "Woman who claimed Brett Kavanaugh raped her now says she made the whole thing up."

I agree with Ace here:
This demands jail time. You cannot just defame people and lodge false accusations to Congress because your Pussy-Hat told you it was okay to lie.
It's now altogether obvious that this nutcase along with Ford and Swetnick just made up the whole story because bearing false witness to derail Kavanaugh's nomination was a more powerful incentive than common decency.


  1. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Kavanaugh backers say, "One cannot bear false witness to Congress."

    Trump backers say, "One mustn't defame people. In the name of common decency."

  2. Robert Fisk9:44 AM

    Hall Monitor says, "I got nothin'."

  3. Anonymous8:27 PM

  4. Robert got it right.

  5. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Compelling verdict, person who thinks an anonymous letter from a crank is the same as televised testimony under sworn oath.

  6. That was compelling testimony under the bright lights, that couldn't be corroborated by the slightest bit of evidence or testimony.

    Ford's (Blasey) family has refused to talk to anyone. Why is that? Because of the lying.

  7. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Grim stuff. So when does Chuck Grassley refer Dr. Ford to the DoJ?
