Monday, November 12, 2018

The trap we've set for ourselves

Hit and Run: "The National Debt Is Coming Due, Just Like We Told You - By 2020, interest on the debt will cost more than Medicaid. By 2025, it will cost more than defense spending. And that's just the start."


  1. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Paul Ryan's "Path to Prosperity" budget was supposed to have fixed all this. What happened?

  2. Did someone conveniently forget about what the Democrats said about him?

  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I'm not sure what is worse, the politicians (both parties) who can't do math, or refuse to acknowledge the inevitable, or the lobbyists who don't give a fuck about tomorrow and long as they get their shit today.

  4. Anonymous2:53 PM

    A man goes to the doctor. He says "I'm depressed. Life is empty and cruel. I'm all alone in a cold world. Can you help me?" The doctor says, "Your cure is a simple one. The great clown Pagliacci happens to be performing tonight. Go see him. He will end your depression." The man bursts into tears and says, "But doctor, you don't understand... I am Pagliacci."

    Tragically, the only one monotonous enough to toss Roger an "I can't possibly respond, so instead I'll bla bla bla" auto-reply.... is Roger himself.

  5. "Paul Ryan's "Path to Prosperity" budget was supposed to have fixed all this. What happened?"

    It failed because Americans love free stuff paid for by someone else. The "someone else" being future generations.

  6. Anonymous9:17 PM

    But at least we all got our big tax cut windfalls last year, right?

    I bought an island with mine. Thanks, Paul Ryan, principled "policy wonk" and "intellectual leader of the Republican Party"!
