Wednesday, November 07, 2018

The Senate popular vote and gerrymandered states

Dude, do you even Constitution?  Federalist: "Joy Behar Claims Democrats Lost Senate Races Due To Gerrymandering."  These dim-bulb media types just latch on to the conspiracy theories that fit their narrative and never look back.


  1. Anonymous2:13 AM

    These dim-bulb media types just latch on to the conspiracy theories that fit their narrative

    Signed, Kris Kobach
    (private citizen)

  2. It's funny how we didn't hear such complaints ten years ago, isn't it?

  3. Anonymous6:24 PM

    You'll be absolutely stunned to hear the reason Gillum lost in Florida: racism.

    Maybe that wasn't so stunning.

  4. Anonymous4:49 PM

    The malignant orange tiger you've got by the tail has unceasingly encouraged and inspirited racism. Generic "nuh-uhs" and scorn from Vichy Republicans won't make that unmistakable reality go away.

    Whether admonitions not to monkey around with the election is "the reason" Gillum presumably will lose is unprovable. In elections this close, everyone can choose one element out of two dozen, and credit their preferred key factor with some credibility.

    But only a cretin or a hack would try to say racism wasn't part of the DeSantis campaign.
