Saturday, November 17, 2018

Just another left-wing operation now

Volokh Conspiracy: "American Civil Liberties Union, RIP" - "The ACLU no longer even pretends to believe in civil liberties."
First, the ACLU ran an anti-Brett Kavanaugh video ad that relied entirely on something that no committed civil libertarian would countenance, guilt by association. And not just guilt by association, but guilt by association with individuals that Kavanaugh wasn't actually associated with in any way, except that they were all men who like Kavanaugh had been accused of serious sexual misconduct. The literal point of the ad is that Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, and Bill Cosby were accused of sexual misconduct, they denied it but were actually guilty; therefore, Brett Kavanaugh, also having been accused of sexual misconduct, and also having denied it, is likely guilty too.

Can you imagine back in the 1950s the ACLU running an ad with the theme, "Earl Warren has been accused of being a Communist. He denies it. But Alger Hiss and and Julius Rosenberg were also accused of Communists, they denied it, but they were lying. So Earl Warren is likely lying, too?"
Yeah, during the Kavanaugh hearings is when I thought to myself: "The ACLU's transition to the very thing it once opposed is now complete."


  1. New video shows migrant caravan is 'organized, well-funded'

    ps. would you consider adding CC to your blogroll?

  2. Anonymous11:39 PM

    The Caravan? That's sooooo November 5th. All the cool kids are obsessing about vote fraud and witch hunts these days.

  3. Like you're in the latter category, dipshit...

  4. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Eh? What's that? Sorry, Fishy, I couldn't understand you with Trump's hook so deep in your gaping mouth.

  5. Beats having Obama's cock in your ass. Hope he lubed you first...

  6. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Breaking out your A+ material, eh Roger? Would this be the latest savage example of you "thinking and writing more clearly and rationally than I can"?

    Trump's "invasion" was false, dumb, racist... and worst of all, it didn't even WORK! The only invading caravan will be controlling the House in a few weeks. Ah, well. At least you'll always have those sweet waveless memories from 8:30 P.M. on Election Night.

    Speaking of winning and losing, don't forget to declare another of your comment page victories now that you've finished rationally countering my ridicule of the failed caravan ploy with an "I know you are" and a "haw haw you're a fag." And be sure to save those comebacks for equally successful re-use in 2020.

  7. A very typical midterm1:30 PM

    Not-a-Blue-Wave Update:

    Dave Wasserman:
    ‏Dems' national lead in raw House votes - now 8.8 million - just broke the record for largest for either party in the history of midterm elections (previous record was 8.7 million set by Dems in 1974).

    But Van Jones was heartbroken...

  8. Robert Fisk9:35 AM

    Population Researchers Puzzled that Ever-Growing Populace Leads to Yet Another Record in Population Size

    [Note: bolded headline above does not imply it was copied from somewhere else.]

  9. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Oh, look! No Blue Wave Roger thinks he just spotted the concept of context. It was so absent on Election Night, yet it's so lethal now.

    And what you say is true! Population has gone up, up, up! So, Roger, let's take a look at your devastating statistical perspective.

    House of Representatives elections:
    1994 GOP-- 36.569 million votes out of a U.S. population of 263.1 million (13.9% of pop.)
    2006 Dems-- 42.338 million votes out of a U.S. population of 298.4 million (14.2%)
    2010 GOP-- 44.827 million votes out of a U.S. population of 309.3 million (14.5%)
    2018 Dems-- 59.380 million votes out of a U.S. population of 326.7 million (18.2%) (*)

    (*) based on the current vote count; both the final vote total and the percentage of the population will be slightly larger. estimates the Dems' House vote total will be about 60.5 million.

    And those vote totals explain the margins for those three historic wave years, along with the heartbreaking disappointment of this typical cycle's underwhelming result:

    1994 GOP: 4.9 million vote margin
    2006 Dems: 6.5 million vote margin
    2010 GOP: 5.9 million vote margin
    2018 Dems: 8.9 million (*) vote margin

    (*) has widened by 100,000+ votes since the previous tweet, and is projected to rise to a little over 9 million


    The combination of that electoral math and your weeping rectum are much better suited to your genius "hope you lubed up" witticism, Roger.

    Maybe delete the tutorials in the future, and stick to what you're good at: entertaining yourself with an insipid "Headline Plagiarism Detective" routine.

  10. Robert Fisk9:52 AM

    Exposed Plagiarizer Inconsolable, Lashes Out by Obsessing Over Vote Totals

  11. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Good for you, taking my advice. Just like Forrest Gump's mother said, you have to do the best with what God gave you.

    Imagine Roger typing "Population Researchers Puzzled that Ever-Growing Populace Leads to Yet Another Record in Population Size," and then smiling and hitting 'send,' with confidence he'd just landed a punishing blow.

  12. Robert Fisk8:32 PM

    Plagiarist Denies Headline was Effective, After It Causes Him to Research and Rant Maniacally

  13. Anonymous10:35 PM

    You brought up national population to dispute reality, you dummy. Noise and non sequiturs can't rescue you from your own unnecessary fuckup.

    Somebody’s suffering from the Blue Wave blues. If it cheers you up any, the GOP has a good chance of flipping Montana in 2024.

  14. Robert Fisk9:32 AM

    Plagiarist Livid He Didn't Get Away With Comparing Raw Population Numbers 44 Years Apart

  15. Quit while you're behind2:54 PM

    House of Representatives elections:
    1994 GOP-- 36.569 million votes out of a U.S. population of 263.1 million (13.9% of pop.)
    2006 Dems-- 42.338 million votes out of a U.S. population of 298.4 million (14.2%)
    2010 GOP-- 44.827 million votes out of a U.S. population of 309.3 million (14.5%)
    2018 Dems-- 59.380 million votes out of a U.S. population of 326.7 million (18.2%) (and going up)

    1994 GOP: 4.9 million vote margin
    2006 Dems: 6.5 million vote margin
    2010 GOP: 5.9 million vote margin
    2018 Dems: 8.9 million vote margin (and going up)

    Like your anus on this thread, that is a painful spread. Actual math really chaps your ass, huh?

    Sadly, there's no lube powerful enough to make either the GOP's electoral reaming or your butt-hurt petulance go away.

    As for your stupid, intellectually constipated posts? I totally rectum.

  16. Robert Fisk5:52 PM

    Plagiarist Repeats Statistics Irrelevant to His Original Point, Goes Nuclearly Anal

  17. Anonymous9:26 PM

    House of Representatives elections:
    1994 GOP-- 36.569 million votes out of a U.S. population of 263.1 million (13.9% of pop.)
    2006 Dems-- 42.338 million votes out of a U.S. population of 298.4 million (14.2%)
    2010 GOP-- 44.827 million votes out of a U.S. population of 309.3 million (14.5%)
    2018 Dems-- 59.380 million votes out of a U.S. population of 326.7 million (18.2%) (and going up)

    1994 GOP: 4.9 million vote margin
    2006 Dems: 6.5 million vote margin
    2010 GOP: 5.9 million vote margin
    2018 Dems: 8.9 million vote margin (and going up)
