Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Get woke, go broke

Daily Caller: "'Murphy Brown' reboot canceled after 1 season."  The 13-episode run was twelve-and-a-half too many.

I've only seen the show in painful promotional clips and it was a unique blend of political smugness and tight-lipped laughlessness.  For a second, I thought it was true when Ace reported: "CBS said the reason for the cancellation was "creative awfulness."  Buh-bye.

1 comment:

  1. Moonves Kingdom9:23 PM

    But Stephen Colbert's "Late Show" features the same politics on the same network, and it's shot up to become the #1 talk show on television. So I'm going to go with "not funny" as the thing to write on the form under Cause Of Death.

    I saw those promos too. If those were the comedy highlights designed to entice viewers, yikes.

    It didn't help that "Murphy Brown" was about the 37th or 38th Hail Mary reboot, in hopes of stanching network television's dwindling audience.
