Saturday, November 10, 2018

Florida recount

Good review here via Twitchy: "Charles C.W. Cooke lays out where things stand in Florida as deadline passes."


  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    David Hogg:
    "Crazy that Trump is talking more about Broward County now than when 17 people were shot and killed here."

  2. Robert Fisk6:13 PM

    Hall Monitor:
    "I can't come up with a single thing I'd dare say that excuses the Broward County elections office for not following the law, but this post's attack on their unique way of apportioning the vote totals must be countered! Wait... I know - I'll simply quote some teenager saying 'Look over there instead!'."

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I went to the store to pick up a "Sorry Your President is a Malignant Retard" sympathy card, but they were sold out.

  4. Robert Fisk3:38 PM

    "Dear Diary,
    Today I called Trump a retard on my blog, and triumphantly dropped the mike. You would have been so proud of me."

  5. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Florida Judge Calls Out Fraud 'Rhetoric,' Arizona Democrat Extends Lead

    I wonder how the malignant retard will respond?

    Despite Trump's denials, Democrats' election blue wave getting bigger and bluer by the day

    Aw, rats! Too bad we forgot to do voter fraud in Florida, because the wave could've been even better!

  6. Count every vote, until the Democrat wins!

  7. Anonymous2:58 PM

    The problem is -- other than the judge sneering at Rick Scott's phony conspiracy claims --there were a lot of Democratic votes to count!

    The blue wave was big — and significant — in state legislatures

    Democratic gains in state legislatures reclaimed more than 250 of the many seats lost during Barack Obama’s presidency. Democrats took functional control of an additional seven state legislative chambers, while Republicans took control of only one, the Alaska House. In addition, Democrats gained enough seats to deprive Republicans of supermajorities in Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. This will keep Republicans from having enough votes to override the vetoes of Democratic governors of those states. Democrats achieved supermajorities for themselves in seven chambers.

    These Democratic gains set the stage for future elections. A majority of the governors holding veto power over redistricting in 2021 are now Democrats. Moreover, in most states where Democrats won control of a legislative chamber on Tuesday, the legislature has a role in the congressional redistricting process.

    In short, Republican losses in state legislatures were typical for a midterm election, but these losses could translate into larger losses for the party in the future.

  8. Robert Fisk6:47 PM

    The Monitor has a notable fondness for presenting other people's analyses as his own. The example above from the Washington Post is by no means the first.

    We have to cut him some slack though, because at least he realizes that others can think and write more clearly and rationally than he can.

    Just about all others.

  9. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Why would I need to personally bitch-slap you, when events have already done the job so admirably?

    Your neediness for special attention is tedious.

  10. Robert Fisk10:43 AM

    "Why should I make an ineffective attempt to put forward an analysis, when I can plagiarize someone else doing it competently? And then get snippy when exposed."

  11. Anonymous1:51 PM

    *Exposed!* Drat! Curses! How DID Rogert Fisk manage to spot my deceptive plagiarism that I'd hidden so carefully behind that boldfaced headline?

    Here's a drawing I personally made today:

  12. Anonymous1:55 PM

    This is what's behind his "anything but the midterm" bluster.

    "Robert" on the failed blue wave that never came, November 7:
    "In the end, it doesn't take much in the way of actual election results to satisfy the Monitor. Perhaps he could open up a consolation center for the likes of Jones, Carville, Tapper, Politico, et al."

    "Robert" on others, November 14:
    "An ineffective attempt to put forward an analysis."

  13. Robert Fisk5:43 PM

    Snippy, indeed.

  14. Anonymous10:25 PM

    In a way. I did snip and paste your, er, premature evaluation. You were a little quick on the trigger there on Erection Night, huh?

    Speaking of which, another Democratic House flip today. This "count all the legal votes" idea is really working out.

  15. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Another day, another House flip to the Dems. More to follow. I like this two-week rollout.

    Hand count in Florida. Democrats can still win the race if they count the vote, then go outside to their cars and change into different shirts, then come back in and count the vote a second time.

  16. Anonymous4:57 PM

    And another flip today, too. They should really start leaving these daily House seat deliveries on the front porch, with a glass bottle of delicious blue milk.

  17. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Ooooh, pretty.

  18. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Annnnnd another House flip. It'll be sad when this miniseries finally ends. Good thing there are a couple more episodes to come this week.

  19. Anonymous4:45 PM

    No Democratic House flips yesterday, but two today. There aren't too many open races left on the table, sadly.

    When this happy fun ride is over, it'll be a couple of months until the 2019 special elections to fill Republican re-electees Chris Collins' and Duncan Hunter's districts.
