Monday, October 01, 2018

The case against Kavanaugh is collapsing

David French in the National Review:
A very strange thing happened over the weekend: If you follow Twitter closely, you’ll notice that the debate over Brett Kavanaugh moved significantly from the central question of last Thursday’s hearing — did he commit sexual assault? — to a raging debate over whether he lied about high-school slang, college drinking, and inside jokes, and whether he was just too “angry” to be a Supreme Court judge.

This torrent of commentary (most of it silly, including competing, furious arguments about how people described anal sex in 1982) obscures an important development: The sexual-assault claims against Kavanaugh are in a state of collapse.
If the media was anywhere near objective and fair in this process, it never would have gone this far.


  1. 'Collapsing'? It never existed. Leave it to a Never Trump NRO writer to frame it in such a term.

  2. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Obsolete conservative principle: "Bill Clinton wasn't impeached for a blow job, he was impeached for perjury."

  3. Hot new liberal principle: "Atticus Finch was a rape apologist."

  4. Anonymous6:43 PM

    That was a great book. I liked the character Boof Radley best, with all his farting.
