Friday, September 14, 2018

The Kavanaugh circus

Hot Air: "Report: Feinstein Forwarded Letter About Kavanaugh To The FBI — With The Accuser’s Name Redacted."

For the record, I believe the "virtuous" version of Feinstein in this article.  I think Democrat Senators such as Feinstein and Leahy believe in the Senate as an institution, unlike crazy Kamala and Spartacus, who view it as a platform for grandstanding.


  1. Robert Fisk10:23 PM

    The FBI was certainly the place for this to be forwarded. I hope it went straight to their "Area High School Hijinks From Forty Years Ago Special Division".

  2. Robert Fisk9:47 AM

    From Ted Kennedy's well-planned and effective borking of Robert Bork, we transition to Dianne Feinstein's ham-handed, grotesque last-minute attempt to slime Kavanaugh, an operation more pitiable than effective. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

    There is indeed an arc to history.

    And the charitable explanation is that she only tried to ruin his life because she feared the wolves would turn and create political difficulties for her if she didn't. How virtuous.

  3. I guess that's true, too. At what point does DiFi decide to walk away?

    The California Democrats already cast their "no confidence" vote.

  4. Anonymous3:56 AM

    She's addicted to the power. They (we) will have to carry her out of the Capital.

  5. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Unbelievably, Senator Feinstein has a one-third chance to be chair of the Judicial Committee in 107 days. Despite the GOP sitting on the best Senate election map for either party since the ratification of the 17th Amendment.

  6. The "emerging Democrat majority" is always a day away....
