Saturday, August 11, 2018

The predictable response

Airhead Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is finally getting some attention for her serial lies so guess what: it's all just sexism, ya'll.  We just can't stand to see a strong woman.  Can't stand it!


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Just because she's the new and future Horseface of the Democrat Party doesn't mean any of the rules have changed.

  2. Anonymous5:42 PM

    It's a shame America's Worst Nightmare-Cortez is not meeting your standard as a serious and thoughtful person of substance, the way outgoing "future of the party" Paul Ryan did. Ryan's fanboys slurped up his policy wonk persona, and his supposedly weighty budget proposals.

    How'd that go? Offsetting Cuts Ryan leaves us with guaranteed trillion-dollar deficits in each of 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028. For starters.

    But at least this committed man of principle and celebrated deficit hawk was not an "airhead." As for his former fanboys, though...

  3. After telling us it was "unpatriotic" to add $4 trillion to the national debt, the remnants of the Obama fan club want to complain about the deficits left behind after adding $10 trillion.

    Republicans have learned the lesson: oppose the main driver of debt (entitlements) and pay the consequences. go. We can wait for the collapse.

  4. Robert Fisk9:04 PM

    "I can't come up with a single thing I'd dare say that could portray Occasional-Cortex as a serious political thinker, but this post's (and many others') attack on her valiant if incoherent Socialism must be countered! I know - I'll simply pick some random Republican that I hate and go on the attack. Send one of ours to the hospital, I'll send one of yours to the morgue."

  5. Offsetting Cuts Ryan leaves us with guaranteed trillion-dollar deficits in each of 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 and 2028. For starters.

    Anonymous, you dumb motherfucker - you're aware that future Congresses aren't bound by decisions of previous Congresses, aren't you? Stupid shit - grow a fucking brain (not bloody likely) or stop posting here.

    God damn, you're fucking stupid. You know what? Just get the fuck outta here...

  6. PM

    Conservative principles, ladies and gentlemen. Conservative principles. Come on, gang, let's give conservative principles a really big round of applause!

  7. Robert Fisk9:26 PM

    "Dear Diary,
    It looked like trouble today as another of my reflexive responses to an attack on our brightest star got nuked again. Okay, so maybe attacking Paul Ryan made no sense and didn't work. That's no reason for me to flee the scene and let my inferiors think they had a victory. So I returned and spouted some pure nonsense that perfectly hid the fact that I had nothing."

  8. PM

    The Party of Ideas, ladies and gentlemen. The Party of Ideas!

    (Roger seems a little backed up. You just know that he would extend free lifetime Medicaid to MS-13 and the entire population of Venezuela, if his new obsession Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave him one handy.)

  9. Robert Fisk9:07 PM

    "Dear Diary,
    I think someone must have hacked into these diary confessions and is posting them on my blog. Do they know all my deepest secrets? It makes my head spin with worry, and in shock I think I mechanically published a second round of nonsense on there. What else was I supposed to do? I can't think straight anymore. Did I win? It's so hard to say, but if necessary I'll return for round three."

  10. Anonymous10:44 AM
