Thursday, August 02, 2018

Nuts on the Left, continued

Hot Air: "McConnell To Cory Booker: You’re Quoting Scripture To Justify Blocking Brett Kavanaugh?"
Indeed he is. Carve out seven minutes below as Cocaine Mitch runs through some of the worst examples of Democratic insanity thus far over Kavanaugh, a man whose biggest known scandal at present is taking on credit-card debt to pay for baseball tickets.
Somebody quipped that his biggest sin was being a Washington Nationals fan.  But seriously, when somebody as clean and respected as Kavanaugh is branded as "evil", who can believe these people?

This leads me to something (else) I hate about Elizabeth Warren.  My local paper posts the weekly vote counts from the Senate and Warren votes "no" for every single nomination from the Trump Administration.  Secretary of Veterans Affairs?  No.  U.S. Trade Representative?  No.  I think with the exception of Nikki Haley, she has voted "no" on virtually every nomination.  So she doesn't even care whether a nominee is qualified for a position; it's just "resist" all day.


  1. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Absolutely disgusting. Biblical scripture should only be quoted to justify kidnaping children and keeping them in cages.

    Warren doesn't even care whether a nominee is qualified for a position; it's just "resist" all day.

    Utterly shameless. Especially when not even one Republican Senator cast a "no" vote against Merrick Garland.

  2. Robert Fisk8:03 AM

    "I can't come up with a single thing I'd dare say that supports the idea that Kavanaugh is the embodiment of evil, as Booker revealed, but this post's attack on the admirable fervor of the 'Resist' mentality must be countered! I know - I'll simply say 'I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.'"

  3. I think with the exception of Nikki Haley, she has voted "no" on virtually every nomination.

    That's because they're all non-Cherokee people!

  4. Anonymous8:33 PM

    "I can't come up with a single thing

    "I can't come up with a single thing

    "I can't come up with a single thing

    Using the same constant response formula to echo, "You have no response." #masterful #winning #notridiculousatall

  5. Robert Fisk10:02 AM

    The Hall Monitor would appear to be miffed.

  6. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Yes, your one retort is really having a blistering effect. It makes you look witty and strong.
