Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Run, Liz, run!

The Hill: "Dems mull whether Warren is the one to take on Trump."

I'm not entirely sure she's going to be re-elected to the Senate in Massachusetts.  There's a lot of people here really tired of her "fighting" schtick with virtually nothing to show for it.


  1. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Warren 55%, Lindstrom 19%.

    Warren 55%, Diehl 20%.

    Warren 55%, Kingston 21%.

    The poll's margin of error is 4.4%.


  2. Robert Fisk9:23 AM

    Yeah, the poll's margin of error is 4.4% and 4.4 months. The poll was taken in March.

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Two sets of WBUR polls (Warren's percentage is the average of all three head-to-head matchups):

    March: Warren 54%, Lindstrom 19%, or Diehl 20%, or KIngston 21%
    May: Warren 55%, Lindstrom 19%, or Diehl 19%, or Kingston 19%

    Feel the momentum!

  4. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Maybe Lindstrom could buy a pickup truck.
