Saturday, July 07, 2018

Elections have consequences

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Left Can't Come To Grips With The Loss Of Power."

Hat tip: Maggie's Farm


  1. It was universally taken as a given by the Left that this was going to be the election which destroyed the Republicans as a national party, relegating them to permanent status as a helpless regional party. (To be fair, there were many Republicans who thought that this was in fact the case, because Trump.) The speed with which Trump is rewriting the future, especially through the courts, is simply too much for them to assimilate.

  2. This past week, Nancy Pelosi called a generally good jobs report "reckless."

    I don't get it, man.

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    It was universally taken as a given by the Left...

    Any sentence on any topic that begins like this is false.
