Saturday, June 02, 2018

There go those Republicans again

Hot Air: "Inspector General’s Report Isn’t Out Yet, But The Washington Post Is Already Worried Republicans Will Seize On It."
This “Republicans seize” trope is what you get when 90% of the reporters in the national media are Democrats. As long as that systemic problem remains, we’ll keep seeing bad news for Democrats repackaged as attacks by Republicans.
Ignore that news harmful to Democrats; let's focus on the GOP highlighting it for political gain, darn them.


  1. Anonymous2:45 AM

    But news harmful to Republicans should not be trusted, because it's coming from the same 90% liberal national media. Nice little enclosed ecosystem there.

  2. Eric - please tell your 'anonymous' commenters to get a refresher course in logic. If our side rightly asks 'how are they lying to us now?' every time the NYT, WaPo, etc. publish a political article, this is consistent behaviour. Either that, or tell them to stop eating lead paint chips.

  3. The national media is very balanced. There are:
    Stories critical of Republicans.
    Stories critical of Democrats that Republicans will seize on for political gain.

  4. Jeff Westfahl7:49 PM

    I believe the term is “pounce”.

  5. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Mueller's leaking. Schiff is leaking. Comey is leaking. Everyone is leaking. Stop the partisan leaks! But what I'm hearing about this unreleased Inspector General's report gets my groin all tingly.

    Eric - please tell your 'anonymous' commenters to get a refresher course in logic. If our side rightly asks 'how are they lying to us now?' every time the NYT, WaPo, etc. publish a political article, this is consistent behaviour.

    Yes, I think it was Socrates who formulated the classic logical construct "Heads I win, tails you lose."

  6. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Such a shame that Paul Manafort will be in jail just before this latest much-awaited, game-changing document #3 or #4 or #5 comes out.

    At least Jennifer Lawrence will no longer be the most notable self-inflicted victim of the iCloud.
