Friday, June 08, 2018

Social insecurity

Some cheery analysis from Zero Hedge on Social Security's pending insolvency:
The entire social support framework faces an inevitable conclusion where no amount of wishful thinking will change that outcome. The ONLY question is whether our elected leaders will start making the changes necessary sooner, while they can be done by choice, or later, when they are forced upon us.
Yeah, it's going to be the latter.


  1. Robbie Grey6:11 AM

    The ONLY question is whether our elected leaders will start making the changes necessary sooner, while they can be done by choice, or later, when they are forced upon us. Yeah, it's going to be the latter.

    Naturally. Why should it be any different from climate change?

  2. Yeah, let's pass legislation to stop those volcanoes from spewing all that carbon & ash into the atmosphere. Brilliant!

  3. We totally should have stayed in the Paris accord. It was a renewable source of good feelings.

  4. I am sick to death of politicians dragging out the "SS will go bankrupt" scare tactic every few years. Note we heard nothing of that under OBAMA. GWB has a plan that Congress assured went nowhere. Lets talk about farm subsidies going bankrupt, SSI going bankrupt, welfare/food stamps going bankrupt, foreighn aid going bankrupt. THese blood sucking politicians are good for nothing except waste and enriching themselves. they can bite my shorts. Bankrupt? What if we all don't VOLUNTARILY pay our taxes. Talk about bankrupt!!!!
