Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Sacrifice the pawns

Ace: "Top Senate Democrat Shoots Down Cruz's Proposal to End the Family Separation Democrats and the Media Supposedly Care So Much About, In Order to "Keep the Focus on Trump"."

Hot Air: "Schumer’s made his decision. Child separation is an atrocity … but not so much of one that they’ll go over Trump’s head by making a deal with Ted Cruz."

This is why Democrats will never - ever - reform entitlements: they need to scare Grandma every two years.


  1. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Napoleon: “Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

    This little kid showdown is Trump's nine-dimensional chess game. They're his pawns now.

  2. Anonymous12:04 AM

    So you agree, it's not about the kids. At least we both agree you're full of shit.

  3. Womp Womp2:59 PM

    No, it's about Trump not getting his Wall money, and taking hostages. Everyone thinks the GOP House window is closing, and Fat Boy's getting desperate.

    It was (and is) a totally optional political play, but now you don't like the political consequences. You're insisting the Democrats are making you do this, and demanding that Schumer and Pelosi fix it, but the country laughs at you. The policy could cease in the next half-minute, but you don't want to look weak. Boo f'n hoo.

    Such an emotional pickle! It's almost as if you're trapped inside some kind of... not a cage. Let's call it a 'fence-like structure.'

  4. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Ace: "Top Senate Democrat Shoots Down Cruz's Proposal to End the Family Separation Democrats and the Media Supposedly Care So Much About, In Order to "Keep the Focus on Trump"."

    Hot Air: "Schumer’s made his decision. Child separation is an atrocity … but not so much of one that they’ll go over Trump’s head by making a deal with Ted Cruz."

    Congratulations to the true culprit, Chuck Schumer, for finally seeing the light and ending his party's cruel policy.

    So much winning. Are you tired of winning yet?

  5. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Wash. Post: "Trump reverses"
    Reuters: "Trump backs down"
    Breitbart: "Trump buckles"
    MSNBC: "Trump retreats"
    Newsmax: "Bowing to pressure"
    CNN: "Trump reverses"
    Bloomberg: "Trump retreats"
    NY Times: "Trump retreats... President Trump caved"
    NY Post: "Donald Trump caved"
    Chicago Tribune: "Trump signs order after days of conflicting messages, false statements"
    Newsweek: "after saying he could do nothing"
    Washington Times: "The move is a major retreat for the president"
    USA Today: "...abandoning his earlier claim that the crisis was caused by an iron-clad law and not a policy that he could reverse."
    Phil. Enquirer: "an abrupt turnaround"; "Trump and Nielsen have falsely repeated for days that only Congress had the power to end the administration’s policy"
    NY Daily News: "Trump signs order ending policy of ripping kids from parents at the border — a practice instituted by his own administration"
    Miami Herald: "Democrats said he could do it with his signature alone. That's what he did on Wednesday."
    Boston Globe: "In reversal, Trump signs"
    NBC News: "Trump signs order that stops his policy"
    Yahoo News: "a dramatic turnaround for Trump, who has been insisting, wrongly, that his administration had no choice"
    CBS News: "Why did Trump reverse course?"
    AP: "In reversal, Trump signs order"
    L.A. Times: "Rare retreat"
    Politico: "abandoning the president’s previous stance that only Congress can fix the problem"; "GOP immigration bills on brink of collapse"

    Fox News: "Trump signs order, vows to maintain tough approach" -- "Without Democratic support, Republicans cannot muster the 60 votes needed to move forward on legislation. Democratic reticence and their opposition to a border wall have come under intense scrutiny from Trump, who has blamed the party for the failure of Congress to pass immigration reform."

  6. Yup, Trump backed down and caved to the outcry.

    Meanwhile, Schumer tipped his hand and indicated that when there's a conflict between a solution and politics, it's politics all the way.

    How easy it would have been for him to say: "We're going to do everything we can, whether through legislation or bringing pressure on Trump." But he pulled a Pelosi-like gaffe instead. Big, big win.

  7. Womp Womp6:36 PM

    Trump came off as a heartless liar, but even worse: now he's a weak heartless liar who buckles under pressure. He sliced the GOP Congress' balls off today with his executive order that he'd said he couldn't do. That order will likely be overturned because it's not legal, thus keeping this story alive, but with him as an ineffectual loser.

    He convinced literally no one new with his "Democratty Democrats need to fix their Democrat law" blabber. He convinced literally no one new that the fake media were misreporting the story. He convinced literally no one new that his seizing and caging of children was because of that nasty Chuck Schumer playing politics. Everything played out exactly as Schumer said it should-- good luck selling that as a "gaffe."

    He threw a tactical stink bomb into a midterm cycle, but 100% of the stench got on him and the Republicans. He repelled independent voters while reinforcing the racist atmosphere of his administration. He stupidly called attention to the fact that he's not going to get his The Wall money, and he never will.

    Big, big win.
