Saturday, June 30, 2018

One must have a heart of stone not to laugh at this NY Mag article

There's a certain demographic that reads New York magazine and they're comfortable (in more ways than one) in their bubble.  Pandering to that audience produces such a cri de coeur as this one: "Summer of Rage: White men are the minority in the United States — no wonder they get uncomfortable when their power is challenged."

The article spends an inordinate amount of time defending California nutcase Maxine Waters who has been told to STFU by none other than Chuck Schumer.  Then it falls back on the tired, self-regarding trope that violent rhetoric, if not outright violence, is the appropriate response when there's so much pain inflicted by the white male minority.  Sarah Sanders can't eat a meal?  Tough: we're on the cusp of "The Handmaids Tale" don't you know.

Let's jump down to the conclusion:
One reason that the fury of women is regularly dismissed as theatrical and marginal and unserious is precisely because, on some level, the powerful must sense that it is the opposite of all of those things. That, in fact, it presents a very real threat.
Sure thing, baby cakes.  I'm with you: let Maxine, Hillary, and Pocahontas speak.


  1. How can white males like myself have power if we're a minority? Must be 'white privilege', right?

    Also - I love how leftists, over the past six years, have invented a phrase for nearly everything they perceive to be offensive or whatever, and naturally the blame always lies somewhere else besides themselves.

  2. Elizabeth Warren is in Boston today saying "Somebody should do something about ICE!"

    Maybe someone like a Senator could do something.

  3. Anonymous6:18 PM

    If she did something, she'd lose the ability to complain. Moving the goalpost onto your own front yard creates the unavoidable risk of being wrong. Much easier to beat your chest while complaining than it is to campaign on a platform of "I fucked up."

  4. Anonymous12:15 PM

    After Elizabeth Warren abolishes ICE this afternoon, she should block the Supreme Court nomination and free those kids from their cages. If she doesn't, it's on her.

  5. Nevertheless she persisted! Until it got too hard and Republicans.

  6. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Since you guys are in the process of squandering the most advantageous Senate election map ever, Elizabeth Warren may get the chance to deliver on your suggested "do something" workload, a full cycle (or two?!?) ahead of schedule.
