Wednesday, June 20, 2018

It's all identity politics now

If we've learned anything over the past couple days, it's that there's nothing remaining from the Democrats' previous nuanced positions on illegal immigration. They're all-in for identity politics now, as Peter Beinart detailed in the Atlantic:
The myth, which liberals like myself find tempting, is that only the right has changed. In June 2015, we tell ourselves, Donald Trump rode down his golden escalator and pretty soon nativism, long a feature of conservative politics, had engulfed it. But that’s not the full story. If the right has grown more nationalistic, the left has grown less so. A decade ago, liberals publicly questioned immigration in ways that would shock many progressives today.
Who are these people and what did they say about illegal immigration?

Extra - Kamala knows how the game is played.


  1. Womp Womp10:50 PM

    Haw! As if seizing and caging infestations of immigrant MS-13 rapists' children isn't the biggest identity politics ploy we've seen in many years.

    If you're not just a little bit ashamed of your "Curses! Those Democrats tried to block our big win!" analysis or your racist president, I'm certainly not going to be embarrassed for you. Be better.

  2. On what basis is Donald Trump a racist? Asking for a friend...

  3. Womp Womp10:58 AM

    A friend? Where's the basis for that claim?

  4. You'll have to ask him, but he's taking a shit right now.

    Again - in what manner is Trump a racist?

  5. Anonymous12:22 AM

    The Left's behavior since this election has been absolutely appalling. In saner times, ANY reasonable American of any political persuasion would recognize that, regardless of their desire for political outcomes. This latest round of "it's the worst thing in the history of the Universe!!!" just angers me. I'm not naive. I'm all too aware that so-called progressivism is a secular religion that will allow NO apostasy, but this desperate abandonment of reason is dangerous, and unlike anything I've seen in my 62 years. The pox they carry in their souls is not-so-slowly infecting us all.

  6. Anonymous1:18 PM

    absolutely appalling... so-called... secular religion with NO apostasy... desperate abandonment of reason... dangerous... unseen in 62 years... the pox they carry in their souls... infecting us

    ...says the sane, reasonable person.

  7. AM

    "It's all identity politics now"
    there's nothing remaining from the Democrats' previous nuanced positions on illegal immigration. They're all-in for identity politics now

    USA Today:
    Federal prosecutors warned they were diverting resources from drug-smuggling cases in southern California to handle the flood of immigration charges brought on by the Trump administration’s border crackdown, records obtained by USA TODAY show.

    Days after Attorney General Jeff Sessions instructed prosecutors to bring charges against anyone who enters the United States illegally, a Justice Department supervisor in San Diego sent an email to border authorities warning that immigration cases “will occupy substantially more of our resources.” He wrote that the U.S. Attorney’s Office there was “diverting staff, both support and attorneys, accordingly.”

    The email, sent by the lawyer who runs the office’s major crimes unit, said prosecutors needed to streamline their work on smuggling cases. He said that would mean tight deadlines – sometimes just a few hours to produce reports and recordings – for those that would land in federal court. Going forward, the lawyer, Fred Sheppard, warned, if agents can’t meet that high bar, “the case will be declined.”

    Sessions last month ordered federal prosecutors along the southwest border to bring criminal charges against every adult caught entering the United States illegally, a “zero tolerance” push meant to deter migrants. Those cases typically are seldom more than symbolic — most of the people who are charged are sentenced to no additional jail time and a $10 fee — but they have served as the legal basis for separating thousands of children from their parents at the border.
