Saturday, June 23, 2018

I don't believe you

American Thinker: "Why mainstream media hysteria is increasing"
The mainstream media perceive that they have lost the ability to shape public perceptions beyond the 30% or so of the populace that is committed to left-progressivism.  The majority of the public no longer trusts or believes what they have to say.  And this sense of powerlessness in the face of a hated opponent is literally driving them crazy. 
As Instapundit says, if you accept they are just Democrats with bylines, you'll understand.

Extra - The New York Times notes that Trump supporters are tuning out the mainstream media.


  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    My name for them - the Career Democrat Media.

    They're the private sector equivalent of career bureaucrats.

  2. There are only so many times you can compare every single Republican to Hitler before you just stop listening anymore.

  3. Anonymous1:39 PM

    And once the polls stop showing rising public trust in the media, this beautiful dream might even come true!

  4. Nice try: that poll compares trust in media to Trump.

    Here's a poll from Gallup: "Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low." Of course that was two months before Trump was elected. Since then there's been a dead-cat bounce up to 37% which would be the second-lowest level of trust.

  5. Godwin Bless America3:18 AM

    There are only so many times you can compare every single Republican to Hitler before you just stop listening anymore.

    Do tell?

    If you want recent things Republican politicians have compared to Nazis, you've got choices: kneeling NFL players, abortion, gay activists, Parkland HS shooting survivor David Hogg, and Democrats, Democrats, Democrats! (But not Charlottesville Nazis.)

    We won't count Barack Obama "taking the Israelis and marching them to the door of the oven," because on alternate weeks, Republicans didn't call Obama Hitler, they called him Neville Chamberlain.

  6. Anonymous7:09 PM

    ^ guy is a Nazi.

  7. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Speaking of Nazi comparisons, the Democrats' 2018 midterm polling chart is looking a lot like a stiff upraised arm.
