Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Good luck with that strategy

As Obamacare heads into the death spiral we all predicted a long, long time ago, it looks like the Democrats have congealed around a strategy: this fatally-flawed legislation is all the fault of the Republicans.  Politico: "Democrats run on GOP health care 'sabotage' - Candidates have a unified message blaming Republicans for ‘sabotaging’ the health law."

Here's the totality of the "sabotage":
They will blame the next round of premium spikes on the GOP because Republicans repealed the individual mandate, eliminated a low-income subsidy, and let people enroll in health plans that don’t have the full range of ACA benefits and patient protections.
First of all, the low-income subsidy was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge, so this argument is that Trump adhered to the law and ceased illegal funding.

Second, when it comes to the individual mandate, the "young invincibles" were already choosing to pay the tax penalty over expensive coverage.  Repealing the individual mandate only recognized the fact that the young'uns couldn't be coerced into buying something that was a terrible deal

The final sabotage is giving Americans the freedom to purchase insurance plans that align with their individual needs instead of ones larded up with options they don't want.

So there you have it: Republicans gave you the freedom to purchase health insurance options you want - or none at all - and ended illegal subsidies.  Good luck running on ignoring the law and forcing Americans to buy something they don't want.


  1. Anonymous2:11 AM

    The irony of all the young liberal millennials who have championed healthcare are the very people who caused Obamacare to fail by refusing to buy into it. The next step is to double everybody's taxes so we can have "free" healthcare.

  2. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Good luck running on ignoring the law and forcing Americans to buy something they don't want.

    I like when you do these "flashback" posts from the 2012 archive.

  3. Anonymous8:57 AM

    April 2017:
    Large shares of Democrats (80 percent) and independents (65 percent), and one-third of Republicans (34 percent), also say that because President Trump and Republicans in Congress are in control of the government, they are now responsible for any problems with the ACA moving forward.

    In addition, the public is increasingly wary of President Trump’s ability to deliver on his campaign promise of less expensive and better health care for all Americans – 37 percent say they are confident that President Trump will be able to deliver on this campaign promise, down from 47 percent three months ago.


    November 2017: Most Americans say Trump and Republicans responsible for any future problems with Obamacare, poll finds
    Sixty percent of respondents "do not trust President Trump to do what's best when it comes to health care in this country," Kaiser said in a summary of the poll's results.

    Majorities of people of all political affiliations say that because Trump and Republicans are in control of the federal government, "they are responsible for the health care law moving forward." Just 27 percent said that Obama and Democrats are responsible for any future problems with the law. Among all respondents, 50 percent have a favorable view of Obamacare and 46 percent hold an unfavorable view.


    March 2018, the GOP's Pennsylvania House special election debacle:
    Health care was ranked as a top issue for 52% of voters (15% saying it was the most important issue and another 37% saying it was very important). Only 19% said it was not that important or not important at all.

    Conor Lamb won big especially among voters for whom health care was a top priority. Among voters who said health care was the most important issue for them, Lamb beat Rick Saccone 64-36 and among the broader group of voters who said it was either the most important or a very important issue Lamb beat Saccone 62-38.


    The same campaign emphasis and voting shift occurred in the Arizona special election a month later.

  4. So, Democrats pass a shit law designed to get the USA to their wet dream of 'single-payer' health care', rammed down our throats without a single Republican vote, and now it's their fault? Interesting concept of responsibility you leftist asswipes throw around when you want to wash your hands of the shit piles you left behind, not us.

    Go fuck yourselves; you already fucked the rest of us.

  5. I like those poll numbers of (I'll wager) older Americans who want the youngsters to pay for their Obamacare.
    How shall we force compulsion?

  6. Anonymous8:38 PM

    RB: So, Democrats pass a shit law designed to get the USA to their wet dream of 'single-payer' health care', rammed down our throats without a single Republican vote, and now it's their fault? Interesting concept of responsibility you leftist asswipes throw around when you want to wash your hands of the shit piles you left behind, not us.

    Go fuck yourselves; you already fucked the rest of us.


    One in five American adults will experience a mental health issue at some point, but historically, millions have not gotten the care they needed due to the challenges of the health insurance market.

    Under the ACA, all individual and small-group plans with effective dates of January 2014 or later are required to cover mental health treatment and behavioral disorders, including therapy, medication and preventative measures like depression screenings.
