Thursday, May 03, 2018

For a few dollars more

I think it was P.J. O'Rourke who said that left-wing thinking can be summed up with "Gimme a dollar."  Or, if you're Amazon in Seattle, "take one more hit for the team."

Amazon's response: nah, we're good.  Hot Air: "Seattle Council Member Accuses Amazon Of “Blackmail” Over Class-Warfare Tax Proposal."  Amazon was going to be hit with yet another tax to pay for Seattle's homeless problem and, in response, the company decided maybe they were going to put a halt on a new building and the associated 7,000 jobs.  This statement is amazing:
“If Amazon generally wants to engage about how they can be part of the solution, we welcome that conversation. But we need companies that are profitable and making billions of dollars every year to help with the folks that are being forced out of housing and ending up on the street.”
It's never enough.


  1. Anonymous12:38 AM

    I think it was P.J. O'Rourke who said that left-wing thinking can be summed up with "Gimme a dollar."

    And I know it was E.B. White who said that "Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but the thing dies in the process." So if you want to keep enjoying O'Rourke's joke, by all means DON'T look at which thinking wing is really subsidizing the other wing like the whiny, myth-making red barnacle it is:

  2. Amazon's Boston HQ bid just got a whole lot better, no?

  3. Schrödinger's Form 11201:36 PM

    Absolutely. High-tax states like Massachusetts simultaneously drive away and attract big business.

  4. Democrats push for ever-more progressive taxation. And then....

    "Why aren't these poor people paying anything in taxes?"

  5. Dick Trickledown1:49 PM

    Democrats push for ever-more progressive taxation. And then....

    "Why aren't these poor people paying anything in taxes?"

    That formulation is like the Underpants Gnomes system, except without the intermediate "?".

    It's actually conservatives who bluster and bitch about xx% of all taxes being paid by the overburdened top xx% of the wealthy.
