Saturday, May 26, 2018

Fauxcahontas update

Hot Air (linking CNN): "Elizabeth Warren Quietly Working To Defang Trump’s “Pocahontas” Slur As 2020 Looms."

Pocahontas "slur"?  Let me tell you: I frequent the message boards for the biggest paper in Western Massachusetts and Warren is not popular.  The Indian thing is the least of her problems.  Most she's seen as a do-nothing in Congress who never passes up a chance to pander to some cause.  Like most Republicans, I'm praying she runs for President.


  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    It's not a slur, because she's not popular on message boards. Got it.

  2. Anonymous2:37 AM

    She's not popular because she's a piece of shit. If she was a teenage girl and wore indian attire to her prom, trash such as yourself would abuse her on the internet. Instead your ilk worship her despite her lying about her heritage for political gain. Everybody knows she's not an indian, if she was she would have shown her genealogical records and shoved it back in Trumps face from the beginning. There's no need to "manage" the truth, just situations caused by lying... aka visiting tribes and voting for laws to give them stuff to make up for what she did.

  3. Squaw vs Squawkers4:15 PM

    Shit! Trash! Abuse! Ilk! It's hilarious how deeply Warren gets under sad people's skin. We'll see how desperately unpopular she is in November.

    CNN's Victor Blackwell interviewed Elizabeth Warren's prospective GOP opponent Geoff Diehl, and the fun ensued.

    BLACKWELL: “I read that you will not use that ["Pocahontas"] as the president has to describe Elizabeth Warren. As you know, the Native American population is very important in the state of Massachusetts. I’m sure the population is important to you. The National Congress of American Indians consider the president’s use of 'Pocahontas' in describing Elizabeth Warren as a slur. So will you call on the president, the man you support, right now to stop using 'Pocahontas' as a racial slur against Elizabeth Warren”

    DIEHL: “You know, I think Elizabeth Warren needs to stop pretending she has a heritage that she’s unwilling to take a test for. She took two minority hiring positions that she wasn’t entitled to based on family lore which, again, she won’t apologize for.”

    BLACKWELL: “I’m going to bring you back to the question. Should the president continue to use 'Pocahontas' as a racial slur? Will you call on the president to stop using 'Pocahontas' as a racial epithet?”

    DIEHL: “Look, I’ve said I’m not going to use that term during this campaign...”

    BLACKWELL: “Are you comfortable with the president using it?”

    DIEHL: “Look, the president, certainly he goes about the way he talks in politics differently, he tweets obviously different than I would. I think in this case, it’s up to the president what he’s going to do. For me, my race is all about making sure the people of Massachusetts know that Senator Warren has never been working for them since the day she was elected.”

    BLACKWELL: “So you’re unwilling to commit for the president to stop using 'Pocahontas' as a racial epithet against your opponent. Last time, and then I’ve got to go.”

    DIEHL: “It’s not up to me to determine what the president does.”

    Sounds like Geoff Diehl might have some secret untested Native American blood himself. His terror of angering the Big Chief, even in Massa-friggin-chusetts, earns him the tribal name Searches For Balls.
