Saturday, April 14, 2018

The shoo-in

The Atlantic: "James Comey Is No Hero."  Why did Comey decide to re-open the Hillary email investigation only a few days before the election?
Why did Comey make that decision? His book, A Higher Loyalty, will be released on Tuesday. But accounts of its contents and excerpts published by outlets that have obtained copies of the book make clear that he concedes that he believed Clinton was going to win. “It is entirely possible that, because I was making decisions in an environment where Hillary Clinton was sure to be the next president,” Comey wrote, “my concern about making her an illegitimate president by concealing the restarted investigation bore greater weight than it would have if the election appeared closer or if Donald Trump were ahead in all polls. But I don’t know.”

This is an astonishing admission. Justice Department guidelines bar officials from making important disclosures related to investigations close to elections to avoid influencing them. Comey took it upon himself to decide that, based on his concern that keeping the news confidential could call the legitimacy of a Clinton presidency into question, he had to announce that the investigation was being restarted. But that was not his decision to make; the role of the FBI is to investigate crimes, it is not to use its authority to protect or harm the legitimacy of a given politician. 
So Comey made the decision because Hillary was going to win anyway.  This was exactly the same rationale the Obama administration gave (after the election) for failing to address Russian interference:
The Obama administration didn’t respond more forcefully to Russian hacking before the presidential election because they didn’t want to appear to be interfering in the election and they thought that Hillary Clinton was going to win and a potential cyber war with Russia wasn’t worth it, multiple high-level government officials told NBC News.

"They thought she was going to win, so they were willing to kick the can down the road," said one U.S official familiar with the level of Russian hacking.
This is how you got Trump.


  1. Anonymous3:26 PM

    This is how you got Trump.

    If it wasn't gruesomely obvious how GOP President Trump is doing, the constant effort to divert the credit for his win to Democrats and Democratic voters is the giveaway. The run of special elections is the giveaway as to how well this tactic is working.

    Ah, if only Obama had had the cool leadership and foresight to tweet "Donald Trump is a proven LEAKER & LIAR. He LIED! LIED! LIED! Trump was totally controlled by Putin - Trump is Putin!! He is a ........ weak and untruthful slime ball!"

  2. We certainly can't blame Obama for leading the Democrats into the lowest nationwide representation since the 1920s.
    It was all Trump, Trump, TRUMP!

  3. Anonymous2:23 AM

    We certainly can't blame Obama for leading the Democrats into the lowest nationwide representation since the 1920s.

    It would be prudent to give this frequently repeated mantra the heaviest possible usage over these next 6 months.

  4. You would think that 2016 would have disabused your side from predictions.

  5. Anonymous6:34 PM

    November 2018: Oops.
