Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Correction of the day

Oh, Reason Online, you're better than this.  "Congress Is Still Ignoring Its Spending Problem as Deadline Looms for $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill."
CORRECTION: This post erroneously described the omnibus bill as spending $1.3 billion. It will spend $1.3 trillion.


  1. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Candidate Trump promised he would eliminate the national debt. It's just going to be even MORE amazing when he does it!

  2. Funny how certain people become interested in the national debt when a Republican is President...

  3. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Oblivious irony is always the best irony.

    Rah-Rah Roger needs to cast out the $21 trillion beam from his own eye.

  4. I've been bitching about Federal deficit spending since 2002 and I have blog posts to prove it, so shove it.

  5. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Maybe you should stop voting for Republicans, then, you sucker. How many times do you have to be a battered wife before it sinks in?

  6. Anonymous8:03 PM

    so shove it.

    It's been shoved all right, but you won't like where:

    $500 mil for Planned Parenthood. $0 mil for The Wall. Cuts to sanctuary cities: $0. Cuts to the EPA: $0. Arts funding, Pell Grants, Head Start, low income housing tax credit, alternate energy funding: increased. Gun violence research: resumed. Census: fully funded. Trump "deal-breakers": included. Presidential vetoes threatened: 1. Vetoes cast: 0. Bills whined about: 1. Trump priorities: ignored. Obama priorities: expanded. See you all back here at the (cough) "negotiation" table in 6 months.

  7. Very stable genius12:53 AM

    And don't forget Russia nothingburger sanctions, which Trump may or may not have heard about yet. (It's possible that White House staff told Trump that the Congressional spending bill was his cable invoice, and that he wouldn't get to watch Fox News anymore unless he signed it.)

  8. Ouch ouch ouch12:44 AM

    so shove it.

    It's been shoved all right, but you won't like where

    There is no money in this "GOP" spending budget for lube.
