Saturday, February 10, 2018

Very likely the first time I've typed these words

Make sure you check out this article in The Nation (!?!): "What We’ve Learned in Year 1 of Russiagate - The relentless pursuit of this narrative above all else has had dangerous consequences."
Many of Trump’s political opponents remain tethered to the eventual emergence of proof that his campaign colluded with the Russian government in order to win the presidency. But the evidentiary basis so far for Russiagate is thin, to say the least. Meanwhile, the relentless pursuit of this narrative above all else has had dangerous consequences.
But, wait, we have the Steele dossier, right?
This questionable narrative is perhaps why, according to the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner, after one year and multiple investigations, the dossier’s allegations remain neither “proven nor, conversely, disproven”—in other words, not proven. According to Fox News, “when pressed [in recent congressional testimony] to identify what in the salacious document the bureau had actually corroborated…[then–FBI Deputy Director Andrew] McCabe cited only the fact that Trump campaign adviser Carter Page had traveled to Moscow.” It would not have been difficult for the FBI—or Steele—to figure that out, given that it was reported in The Washington Post and Russian media in early July. (Steele reports it only on July 19.)
I like that.  It reminds me of the fact-checking scene in the movie "Shattered Glass":
[after debunking Stephen Glass's New Republic article, Hack Heaven]
Adam Penenberg: But there is one thing in this story that checks out.
Kambiz Foroohar: What's that?
Adam Penenberg: [sarcastically] There does appear to be a state in the union named Nevada.
The author concludes that the Left's Rachel Maddow-style laser beam focus on Russia! has diminished efforts to fight Trump in the policy arena.  You can skip that part.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Mr. Sullivan - the fetid, conspiracy-laden fever swamps of Zero Hedge are that-away... ===>>>

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Those were deleted because they were promoting a foreign business web site.

    Just for the record - Eric

  5. This isn't about promoting my business - this is about exposing Russia-Gate and these criminals.

    My business does not exist. It is not registered (yet).

    I need Justice.

    This is "Russia-Gate" and the unequivocal Truth!!!

  6. PlushMice4Sale5:22 PM

    I have definitive proof that poor Trump is innocent, and that liberal uranium money is secretly funding the attacks. Click on my Etsy page and see!
