Thursday, February 08, 2018


Daily Caller: "DOJ Official Who Worked On Clinton, Russia Investigations Steps Down For Personal Reasons."
The timing of Laufman’s decision is sure to raise questions because of a Justice Department inspector general’s forthcoming report about the FBI and DOJ’s handling of the Clinton email investigation. Strzok’s texts were discovered during the court of that investigation.


  1. The rats are scurrying...

  2. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Strzok is critical of Laufman in those texts. My God... there are TWO Deep States!

  3. #ReleaseTheTimingOfTheLaufmanDecision2:11 AM

    Okay, sure, so maybe the last eight "it's a conspiracy" conspiracies haven't worked out as advertised. Maybe they've left charred, smoking craters on their abortive launch pads. But this one seems solid. jingles set of keys, jingle jingle

  4. You're aware that six DOJ or FBI senior figures have been removed or demoted due to either Congressional investigation or the FBI IG. Andy McCabe had six weeks to go and yet he was told to GTFO right away.
    We haven't even gotten to Blumenthal yet.

  5. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Blumenthal is the key to this, as he is the secret key to all things.

  6. Anonymous3:51 PM

    You're aware that six DOJ or FBI senior figures have been removed or demoted

    Pretty shaky. Just 31 more to go, to tie the number of former high-level Trump advisors and aides who are now spending more time with their 37 families.
