Saturday, January 13, 2018

Then there's this view

Andrew Klaven at City Journal: "Of crudeness and truth."  (HT: Maggie's Farm)
So, when it comes to the Great Shithole Controversy of 2018, my feeling is: I do not care, not even a little. I’m sorry that it takes someone like Trump to break the spell of silence the Left is forever weaving around us. I wish a man like Ronald Reagan would come along and accomplish the same thing with more wit and grace. But that was another culture. History deals the cards it deals; we just play them. Trump is what we’ve got.
I don't think it's just a lack of wit and grace: it's an inability to separate his personal and public personas.  My armchair psychiatry tells me that because nobody ever says "no" to him, he's developed the feeling he can do whatever the hell he wants and leave the "losers" to complain about it.


  1. Anonymous8:34 PM

    The concerted effort to shrink Trump's latest projectile indecency into a dispute over style ("oh dear, why that particular word?") isn't working too well.

    Andrew Klaven: History deals the cards it deals; we just play them.

    Yes. But the GOP is playing Crazy Eights.

    And they're about to take a hit on '18.

  2. Really? The incoming President's party will lose seats in the first midterm?

    That would be precedented.

  3. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Of course, but whenever incumbents have fled in the numbers the departing GOP House class of '16 has put up-- and that headcount is hardly over yet-- it's always been in advance of worse than usual results for their party. That's also very precedented.

    It's not looking like this is going to be one of those manageable minus-13 midpoint elections.

  4. Seeing as Democrats are at the lowest level of representation since the 1920s, they have nowhere to go but up.

  5. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Logically, that would make the GOP exodus in progress against such a weak opponent all the more chicken$#it. Looks like some Republicans don't believe that America is a center-right country.

    they have nowhere to go but up.

    Not true. There's also way up.

  6. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Politico: The next GOP panic: Governors races

    "The growing optimism on the left is mirrored by a burgeoning Republican pessimism, according to a wide range of GOP operatives and lawmakers involved in this year’s races."

  7. Oh, wow, we're going to lose our all-time high in governors, tied with 1922?
