Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Offended Olympics

Ben Shapiro: "What right not to be offended?"

Found via this Instapundit meme where a Brit interviewer did her level-best to twist every word this guy said.


  1. Anonymous10:52 PM

    "Happy Holidays!"

  2. Eric - go check out that 'interview' (more like an interrogation) between Jordan Peterson and that Brit snob - he dismantles her with grace and charm and she comes off like a nagging feminist at the same time. If you want to turn it into a drinking game, watch it on Friday night, have at least two beers on your desk and chug whenever she says 'So you're saying...' (that's her dull, repetitive way of constantly putting words in Peterson's mouth). I was four minutes in when I wanted to flip her off.

  3. I saw that video because I never heard of this women. It was a riot of word-twisting. I started out annoyed and ended up laughing.
