Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Sweet soda sticker shock stings Seattle

I love this story from PJ Media: "Soda Tax Sticker Shock Grips Seattle."  The city needed cash (duh) so they decided to tax sugary drinks at the rate of 1.75 cents per ounce.  The authors of this tax hike told themselves that this tax would be borne by the distributors so it was totally cool.

Instead, Costco listed the prices that they were forced to charge for the new "fee".  A pack of Gatorade that went for $16 now went for $26 and change.  Then they went a step further and directed customer to the Costco outside of Seattle city limits to avoid the tax.  How nice for Costco who has the network to re-route customers.  Sucks for you, local merchant.

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