Monday, January 08, 2018

Hollywood phonies, redux

National Review: "About that Golden Globes fiasco."
In short, when caught up in its most disturbing scandal since (at least) the Communist era, Hollywood’s rebuttal is exactly what Weinstein’s was: But we’re liberal! It may not be the case that liberalism and sexual abuse are linked — though nearly all of the men caught up in the pervnado in the last 90 days are strongly identified with the Left. But it is certainly the case that impeccable liberal and Democratic-party credentials did nothing to save Hollywood from a decades-long regime of sexual tyranny. What’s wrong with the entertainment industry won’t be cured by the quack remedies of Oprah Winfrey.
That Oprah speech was pure awfulness: an amped-up "you go girl!" with nary a soupcon of regret for the Hollywood culture that tolerated decades of sexual harassment.  If Oprah had at any time in her speech said "Shame on us!" it would have been redeemed.  But there's nothing that Hollywood loves more than self-congratulation (see: award shows) so this was red meat for the MGM lions.

Good ole Hollywood.  Here they are in 2003 celebrating Roman Polanski who couldn't attend the Oscars for some reason.  Keep an eye out for Meryl "I don't know nothin' about Harvey!" Streep.


  1. Anonymous7:56 AM

    We should take candidate Oprah seriously, but not literally.

  2. 1) She ain't running for jack shit. It's fun to point out how much the Dems ragged on 'celebrity candidate' Trump, only to have them fawn and get boners over... 'celebrity candidate' Oprah? Please.

    2) Thanks for summarizing that column for me, Eric - I've boycotted NR ever since they ran that ENTIRE FLIPPING ISSUE against Trump - fuck those knobs. This is from someone who used to subscribe to NR for about fifteen years. It would have been interesting to hear what WFB woould have thought of Trump.

  3. Anonymous9:14 AM

    1955-65 Buckley would have loved Trump.

    But post-1965 Buckley had done a 180, and advocated purging the GOP of its racist morons, xenophobic kooks, and demagogic blowhards. (You know, the people keeping Trump's approval rating up in the high 30's.)

    That elitist RINO cuck Buckley II wouldn't stand a chance in the party today.

  4. So, I'm a Trump supporter and I stand a decent chance of you characterizing me as a racist, xenophobe and a demagogue simply by virtue of one ballot I cast?

    I expect more than junior-high school name calling in an otherwise adult conversation. If you're unable to provide that now or going forward, you can go to hell. At least I publish my full real name and stand by every blog post and comment I make.

  5. Anonymous1:40 PM

    So, I'm a Trump supporter and I stand a decent chance of you characterizing me as a racist, xenophobe and a demagogue simply by virtue of one ballot I cast?

    No, not unless you'd like to raise your hand for one or more of those. I was talking about your worst so-called 'deplorables,' up to and including the stable genius himself. Guess you skipped right over "You know, the people keeping Trump's approval rating up in the high 30's." Without the loyal Charlottesville/Arpaio/Build The Wall garbage faction buoying him, Trump's national support would REALLY be in the crapper. I was also criticizing the angry right's Bolshevik habit of identifying the supposedly disloyal ideological enemies within, and cleansing the party of them. In fact, you might be the only one I didn't mention.

    And as for your fake hurt feelings over (gasp!) "name calling," now that's funny. Did this epiphany of etiquette happen to you suddenly at this morning's breakfast, or have you felt strongly about it since last night's supper? I guess you only typed all those past comments of yours, you didn't read 'em. Probably a good policy.

    As the ancient Greek man said while severing one of the Hydra's heads, grow a pair.

    Who cares what your name is?
