Tuesday, December 05, 2017

High infidelity

Of course, I saw the 2007 movie "I Am Legend" first but recently I picked up the book at a library book sale; just finished it last night.  Here are all the similarities between the movie and the book:

There's a character named Robert Neville.

That's about it.  When I was done, it was bizarre to think the movie was based on the book: the setting, themes, characters and story are only peripherally related.  It would have been less jarring to read about the Joads heading out to California.


  1. Anonymous9:57 AM

    The James Bond book "The Spy Who Loved Me" takes place at a motel in West Virginia. No mention of Jaws or underwater fortresses. Similarly, Octopussy is a short story in a trilogy and has nothing to do with India or nuclear weapons.

  2. Anonymous10:41 AM

    You might try watching and comparing 1971's The Omega Man with Charlton Heston as "Army doctor Robert Neville struggles to create a cure for the plague that wiped out most of the human race." I haven't read the book in ages so I don't know that it is any closer really.

  3. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Watch the original movie with Vincent Price....very true to the book. (I think the movie is on Youtube.)

  4. Ha - I saw "The Omega Man" but forgot that Heston's character was Robert Neville. Even that wasn't original!

    In the book, unlike both movies, Neville wasn't a "Dr." but just an ordinary guy who had to teach himself to address the problem.
