Saturday, November 25, 2017

Media bias in the age of Trump

Politico magazine: "Want to Know Why Roy Moore Might Win? Blame the Media."
Remember all of the hostile press conferences and exchanges that Washington reporters routinely had with the Obama White House, or when Obama’s daily utterances were challenged every day on CNN? Conservatives don’t. Although Obama veterans surely see it differently, the press corps offered largely favorable coverage of the Obama years—at least when compared to Republican administrations. Plenty of surveys bare that out. Such as this one. And this one. And articles such as this one. And this one—this one, too. Conservatives do remember, however, the endless attacks on Reagan’s mental abilities, on George H. W. Bush’s alleged out-of-touch elitism, and on his son’s various verbal miscues and alleged racial insensitivity.
Remember: "Maybe we should ask Barack if he’s comfortable and needs another pillow."?  Nothing has changed at all.


  1. Robert Mitchell Jr.9:26 PM

    Still in denial. You could have written that whole article with just examples of the vaporware sex accusations thrown against Republicans......

  2. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Conservatives do remember, however, the endless attacks on Reagan’s mental abilities, on George H. W. Bush’s alleged out-of-touch elitism, and on his son’s various verbal miscues and alleged racial insensitivity.

    One might notice that those are four separate attacks, that they are of very different severity, and that these attacks were often pressed by fellow conservatives.

    Few presidents were attacked as often or as virulently as Richard Nixon. One might notice that the attacks on Nixon had nothing to do with his mental abilities, out-of-touch elitism, verbal miscues or racial insensitivity. (On that last one, at least not until he was out of office and the tapes came out.) But many conservatives prefer to think these attacks were general, unformed rage.

    Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and the paunchy ghost of LBJ will be fascinated to learn that - unlike Republicans, of course - they weren't bashed by the press at length, often fairly, often not.

  3. This article literally offers no defense of Nixon.
