Sunday, October 01, 2017

Wait, wait, don't tell me

it seems there's been a stabbing at a train station in Marseille, France.
The now-dead suspect has been described as North African and in his late-20s.
He shouted something.


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The double stabbing with a political angle seems to have slipped off the top of the news websites rather quickly. I woNdeR why thAt is?

  2. Classic red herring there, halfwit.

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Roger's just sad because this terrorist wasn't the right kind.

    Thank heavens the guy didn't have 600 knives.


    Why do these people glorify gun violence and encourage copycats?

  5. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Fatuous B.S. How many mass shootings with automatic weapons did Tom Mix, John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart and James Cagney encourage?

    Or are you making an important point about the "liberal hypocrisy" of treating the real world differently than movie roles? Will Ferrell and Chris Rock bear responsibility for violence, but Bruce Willis and Clint Eastwood don't?

    If you believe a word of what you're saying-- and we both know you don't-- why don't you go all the way and bring up the extensive list of gun songs in country music? For all we know, they "may have" "played a role" in "inspiring" this shooter to target that particular concert.

  6. You mis-spelled "rap songs".

  7. Anonymous11:16 AM

    If you're looking for a depraved mind being influenced by popular gun violence culture, forget the shooter. Your man is Sean Hannity, fantasizing about taking out the villain:

    "They're on the 32nd floor, where this guy is. This guy's got a machine gun. Okay, how're they gonna take him on without a weapon? Or if it's happening within a crowd, if you're in San Bernardino? Do you want Sean Hannity, who's trained in the safety and use of a firearm, in that room? So when they drop the clip, and they start to reload, you got a shot? You got a chance?"

    Sean Hannity has a very particular set of skills.

    Due to time constraints, Hannity left out the part of the scenario where he does a barrel roll along the floor while shooting the gun out of the bad guy's hand. Then he says "You just rolled snake eyes," and shoots him through the shattering 32nd floor window. After which Jennifer Lawrence runs into Hannity's arms and coos, "This is Vegas, and you're about to get very lucky."

  8. You should try commercial fishing, what with all those red herrings you keep coming across.

  9. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Brilliant! If you keep saying "red herring" enough, you're bound to accidentally trip over a pertinent example.

    It ain't my fault that your top-rated political spokesman Hannity is genuinely the kind of self-delusional retard who conservatives like to pretend are swayed by "Fast and Furious" shootout scenes and vote Democratic.

  10. "“If they wouldn’t do anything when children were murdered I have no hope that Repugs will ever do the right thing,” wrote Geftman-Gold on Facebook, perhaps referring to Sandy Hook. “I’m actually not even sympathetic bc country music fans often are Republican gun toters.”

    Why do you love the CBS executive who wrote such filth? You probably watch "60 Minutes" and whatever other shows are on CBS, you CBS lover who supports this person's beliefs.

    See, I can do it too.

  11. So now Anonymous is sticking up for that vile piece of shit former CBS executive? Well, vile pieces of shit need to stick together, so to speak...

  12. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Eric: See, I can do it too.

    Ah, like drips of water inexorably smoothing a stone, true wisdom is beginning to emerge with each idiotic example each of us offers. (In Hannity's case, the example is a literal idiot.)

    Yes, you've shifted the premise from "impressionable copycat killers swayed by liberal gun hypocrites" to "yee-haw conservatives who brought this upon themselves" statements, but close enough: stupid is stupid. I'll allow it.

    At least we're not talking about guns. Now is not the time.
