Thursday, September 07, 2017

The case against Bob Menendez

The New York Times forgot the Senator's political affiliation and NBC News just assumed he was a Republican because, you know, "layers of fact-checking" in the age of Google.

Anyway, Ace has the lowdown on that Son of the Confederacy and his love for #MAGA hats: "MSNBC Has Some Unwelcome News for Its Zombie Viewers: Case Against Senator Bob Menendez (Republican from Texas or Somewhere "Jesusy") Is "Overwhelming"."


  1. PM

    Ace has the lowdown... "MSNBC Has Some Unwelcome News for Its Zombie Viewers: Case Against Senator Bob Menendez (Republican from Texas or Somewhere "Jesusy") Is "Overwhelming"."

    Conservative comedy was already comatose long before Ace tried his unsteady hand at it.

  2. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Maybe we should cut NBC News some slack, since it was the same day that President Donald Trump also forgot which party he's a member of.

  3. NBC News is as dishonest and full of shit as the previous commenter. Don't you two have a truck to rig to explode or something?

  4. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Someone's already getting tired of winning, so much Trump/Pelosi winning.

  5. The modern Left has a finger on the pulse on what's funny.

  6. Anonymous9:46 PM

    And when it comes to creating funny, the modern Right (and also the classic Right) has no pulse.

  7. Ah, it's usually because we're too busy working to joke like Lenny Bruce.

  8. Anonymous3:37 PM

    An overused comeback that hasn’t been fresh in 40 years does lend weight to your concession about conservative humor.
