Monday, September 04, 2017

Run, Deval, run

The Hill: "Obama team’s 2020 signals spark chatter among Dems."
Valerie Jarrett, one of Obama’s closest confidantes, and David Simas, the CEO of Obama’s foundation, have sent smoke signals urging former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D) to enter the race.
Do it, Deval.  There's two things I know about politics:
1.) President Dukakis, Kerry, and Romney prove that America loves politicians from Massachusetts.
2.) Americans can't get enough of identity politics.  Bring on Kamala, too.

Side note: I love how the Hill included the (D) in this story so you weren't confused about the political affiliation of an Obama-endorsed candidate from Massachusetts.


  1. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Guiliani, Pataki, Bloomberg, Christie, Bradley, Cuomo, Forbes, Kemp and Ol' What's-er-name proved that a New York/New Jersey candidate cannot win a national election.

  2. No mention of corrupt Dem. Senators Torricelli and Menendez, I see...

  3. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Ah, yes... Who among us could ever overlook Torricelli's and Menendez's unforgettable presidential campaigns? Well spotted, Roger!

  4. Ah, yes - who would have resorted to changing the subject away from Mass. presidential candidates? Well, played, doucheroni!

  5. Anonymous5:54 PM

    "Changing the subject" from a state's presidential candidates to another state's presidential candidates! This concept bewilders Roger. Where, I ask you, is the relevance? Where is any possible connection?

    Poor Rog ain't exactly on a winning streak. But onwards and upwards! He'll regain his perspective once he learns to accept black links on comments pages.

    How about Texas? You wanna change the subject and do Texas? Because Ted Cruz, Ron Paul and Rick Perry show that the nation's voters will never, ever elect a Republican from Texas.

  6. Yes, you changed the subject. Sorry to remind you!

    What's a black link? Is the opposite of a white link? Blank Links Matter!

    So, neither Bush was from TX when they got elected? You're a moron who missed the perfect opportunity to shut the fuck up and quit while he was behind.

  7. Anonymous3:40 PM

    This is an example of a black link. You were whining about not being able to just click on them the other day:

    So, neither Bush was from TX when they got elected? You're a moron who missed the perfect opportunity to shut the fuck up and quit while he was behind.

    Yikes. That's the point of the rebuttal, you randomly belligerent lummox.

    First, a list of NY/NJ presidential flops... and yet Trump was elected. Next, a list of Texas presidential flops... and yet Bush was elected.

    Are you still with me? And soooo, when someone invokes a list of Massachusetts presidential flops that's supposed to define what American voters will not support based entirely on state boundaries, maybe the geographical proposition isn't quite what the... say, am I going too fast for you?

    Or is it just that "Dukakis = Romney" seemed so perfect and correct to you, you can't bear to see it questioned?
