Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Of course

Federalist: "After Self-Reflection, Journalists Discover They’ve Been Too Critical Of … Democrats."

I understand: you can't fathom that you might have helped elect Trump.  Don't worry, dudes, you're not that important anymore.

Extra - Don Surber: "The whole Russian meddling was a ruse to justify spying on Trump. The mainstream media went along with the gag because they wanted to protect Obama, and they wanted to overturn the election."


  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

    PPP poll from this past July:
    Trump also does a lot of losing to the media in our new poll. Voters say they trust NBC and ABC each more than him, 56/38. They say they trust CBS more than him 56/39. They say they trust the New York Times more than him 55/38. They say they trust CNN more than him 54/39. And they say they trust the Washington Post more than him 53/38.

    The poll also had some public opinion results on the nothingburger nothingburger nothingburger that'll turn you vegetarian.

  2. It's a Dem polling firm - think they oversample Democrats by at least 10%? Please.

  3. Anonymous12:48 PM

    So just slice 10% off the media's totals-- which isn't how polls work, but whatever-- and Trump still loses every matchup.

  4. Seems like I was off by a factor of three:

    Most of the top political polls that got the 2016 presidential race dead wrong are continuing to use a flawed methodology in rating President Trump's approval ratings that favors Democrats, women and younger voters, according to a new analysis.

    The report shows that the mainstream polls oversample an average of 29 percent more Democrats than Republicans and the results skew anti-Trump. The result is that it robs Trump of about 8 points in his approval ratings, from 46 percent to 38 percent, it said.

    ...and go fuck yourself!

  5. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Fake polls! Fake news! Fake voters! Fake science! Fake outrage! Fake collusion! The only thing that's true in this fake world is Donald Trump's enduring popularity and success.

    I imagine Roger growling down the sidewalk, telling the mailbox, then a stop sign, then a tree, to go fuck itself.
