Saturday, September 09, 2017


Don Surber: "Anatomy of a sleazy editorial."  It's the ole Russian guilt-by-association drivel.


  1. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Philip K. Dick: "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."

  2. Yes, thank you, I agree: the Russian investigation is a complete fraud.

  3. Anonymous1:23 PM

    None of this matters until an impeachment vote is taken by Trump's opposition party: the Republicans.

  4. It will be quite the scandal when Mueller announces that Michael Flynn failed to register as a lobbyist.

  5. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Ha, ha, ha! It sure will! It will show that all of this is a big nothingburger, wrapped in some misfiled generic paperwork!

    Mueller haunts the West Wing

    Some close White House allies [believe] that special counsel Bob Mueller, whose appointment was triggered by Comey's ouster, could use events surrounding the firing to make an obstruction of justice case against Trump.

    There's a good reason that Vice President Pence has hired a lawyer, Bannon freaked out about the decision [to fire Comey], and Mueller plans to interview a slew of current and former West Wing aides: They were with Trump during those frantic days, and know what he was saying and what was on his mind.

    White House aides with legal exposure to these events have quickly reached four conclusions, according to conversations with Jonathan Swan and me:

    1. Mueller is burrowing in hard on the obstruction of justice angle.

    2. The "angry, meandering" draft White House justification for firing Comey — which was never released, but obtained by Mueller — could be used as evidence of Trump's unvarnished thinking when venting to staff.

    3. Legal fees, with white-collar attorneys charging $1,000 an hour, get cripplingly expensive pretty quick. Watch for outside legal defense funds to pop up quickly.

    4. The investigation's financial dimensions are worrisome. The focus on Michael Cohen, a Trump lawyer and confidant whose business dealings are intertwined with the president's, has been particularly troubling for those in Trump's close orbit. Cohen dealt with some colorful characters. And when plans for the Trump Tower in Moscow are fully picked apart, other questionable Russian characters may be drawn in.

    Republicans close to the White House say every sign by Mueller — from his hiring of Mafia and money-laundering experts to his aggressive pursuit of witnesses and evidence — is that he's going for the kill.

    Trump associates tell me Trump mused about firing Mueller. But now, one associate said, the damage would be as horrendous as "firing the Pope."

    P.S. Russian politician Vyacheslav Nikonov, a member of the Duma (ruling assembly), said on live TV that U.S. "intelligence missed it when Russian intelligence stole the president of the United States."

  6. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Another day, another zero:

    WASHINGTON — Michael G. Flynn, the son of President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, is a subject of the federal investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election and possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign, according to four current and former government officials.

    ...A former business associate of Michael Flynn's said his son, Michael G. Flynn, had a heavy hand in the day-to-day operations of Flynn Intel Group and served as his father's chief of staff. Those responsibilities included attending meetings with his father and communicating with prospective clients, the former business associate said.

    Several legal experts with knowledge of the investigation have told NBC News they believe Special Counsel Mueller, following a classic prosecutorial playbook, is seeking to compel key players, including Flynn and Manafort, to tell what they know about any possible Trump campaign collusion with Russia. Mueller has brought onto his team a federal prosecutor known for convincing subjects to turn on associates. Any potential criminal liability for Michael G. Flynn could put added pressure on his father, these legal experts said.

    "Any time a family member is identified as a subject that does increase pressure," said Peter Smith, a former federal prosecutor. "In the typical parent-child relationship the last thing any parent would want is for their child to get in trouble for something they initiated."

    That pressure appeared to mount Wednesday, when House Democrats released information they said confirmed that the elder Flynn omitted from his security clearance renewal application in 2016 that he had traveled to the Middle East in 2015 to meet with foreign leaders about a proposal to partner with Russia in a plan to build nuclear reactors in Saudi Arabia.

    Sounds like a matter for the Senate Harmless Oversight Committee.
