Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Shut up, they explained - Part: I lost count

This gem appeared in the Washington "Democracy Dies in Darkness" Post.  The author is a kook professor from Skidmore College: "When ‘free speech’ becomes a political weapon - Maybe liberals shouldn't be free-speech absolutists after all."

Why does this urge to stifle First Amendment rights always - always - come from the Left?  The easy answer is that they suck at debating so they want to shut down conversation.  I think another explanation is that it's a cheap way to assert power among those who have none.  All you need to do is be offended and now you can claim the power of censorship, like a real dictator.

Extra - From Ace.

More - And Twitchy.  "Democracy dies from dumbasses."


  1. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Why does this urge to stifle First Amendment rights always - always - come from the Left?

    I don't know. Because you've never heard of "Gamergate"?
    Or Texas history books that downplay slavery?
    Or the Parents Television Council?
    Or Professor Steven Salaita, or Professor Olga Cox, or Turning Point USA's "Professor Watchlist"?
    Or banning the term "climate change" and other related language?
    Or the furor against Ghostbusters with ovaries?
    Or attacking companies that say "Happy holidays"?
    Or a president who wants to "open up" libel laws?
    Or removing books from schools and libraries?
    Or #FireColbert?
    Or Colin Kaepernick?
    Or the "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" case?
    Or Tomi Lahren getting booted off The Blaze for a pro-choice opinion?
    Or the efforts to block the Satanic Temple's statues of Satan?
    Or Texas Rep. Matt Rinaldi calling ICE to send agents to a pro-immigration protest?
    Or Wisconsin Republicans threatening to kill the U. of Wisconsin's funding unless they dropped a disliked course?
    Or GOP bills in Iowa and North Carolina mandating ideological quotas on professor hires?
    Or the Minnesota bill allowing cities to sue protesters to recoup the cost of police?
    Or bills giving legal protections to drivers who hit protesters?
    Or the side that weeps for Milo trying to shut down speaking appearances by Bill Ayers, Suzanne Venker, Norman Finkelstein, and other lefties?
    Or the Montana politician who body-slammed a reporter?

    Anyway, obviously that Skidmore professor's column is idiotic.

  2. Leave it to the Anonymous shithead to deploy twenty-two red herrings and completely sidestep Eric's main point. With these 'examples', there is not a single example of someone on the right side of the aisle calling for the abridgement of speech on a member / members of the left side of the aisle. In point of fact, many of the examples given are a reaction to efforts by the left to abridge the free speech rights of their opponents.

  3. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Roger don't read too good, do he?

  4. Refute me or shut your pie hole.

  5. Anonymous5:58 PM

    "None of those are relevant, not a one, not even a little... and besides, the Democrats MADE us do many of them! Now, change my open mind with some honest debate, or else."

    Suck my hairy nuts, Mr. Twenty-Two Red Herrings.

  6. Right after you eat the corn out of my shit...

  7. Anonymous4:30 PM

    So, you've made a verbal commitment to suck my hairy nuts.

    After Donald Trump waters down the libel laws, I'm going to sue you for your comments here. And don't you dare call it an infringement of your First Amendment rights, because an overpoweringly smart, corn-eating guy said that's just one of many red herrings.
